
How God turned her life around

She prays that her testimony will help others see God’s greatness [notice]This story does include sexual content that may be shocking to some. It is however a testimony of the grace of Jesus and His power to transform lives.[/notice] I recently had the privilege of talking to a young woman […]

A sound investment in ‘charcoal’

[notice] A fortnightly column by Anna Heydenrych[/notice] When I was a young girl, my best friend and I once developed a notion that braai charcoal had the potential to transform into diamonds. I suppose we heard about how coal, buried deep within the earth and subjected to immense pressure over […]

Please edit-undo what I just said!

[notice] A fortnightly column by Anna Heydenrych[/notice]I spend a lot of time working on a computer. When I make a mistake, I use the edit – undo function. This is a wonderful tool, you probably know it too. Control – Z and your errors disappear before your eyes. Sometimes, I […]