Tag: false prophets

Christian blogger in jail over remarks about pastor

Christian blogger Solomon Izang Ashoms has begun a 20-day jail term for repeatedly failing to comply with an order to refrain from making defamatory remarks about Alleiluia Ministries pastor Alph Lukau. In a Youtube video clip which he recorded in front of prison last week —  before beginning his sentence […]

Why pastors are the new witchdoctors, spirit mediums and con-artists (and how to change that) — Tendai Chitsike

A monthly column that reflects on living in the Kingdom of God. Zimbabwean investigative journalist Edmund Kudzayi tweeted the following recently: “Zimbabwe needs a cleansing ceremony. Pastors, prophets, witchdoctors, spirit mediums, etc. Lock all of them up in the National Sports Stadium…” The tweet was undoubtedly his most popular in […]

Save us from charlatans

Lethebo Rabalago, who made headlines recently for spraying insecticide onto his congregants in order to “heal” them of their ailments, represents a troubling and growing trend within the Christian faith. The trend is that of self-serving ministers who use desperate people to shore up their ministries. Rabalogo’s unusual antics follow […]