Tag: hope

Let’s bring HOPE through news!

A special appeal to our readers Dear Gateway News Reader Please take a few moments to read this extremely rare, and very important, special newsletter to our readers. I do hope that after reading this short letter you will decide to join our Super Subscriber programme and pay a small […]

Help us reach millions!

Expanding to bring hope and release destiny through Christian news Today Gateway News is taking an important faith step in our Kingdom news journey. We are launching an online crowd funding campaign to support our vision of reaching millions of people in South Africa and other African nations with news […]

When trauma strikes

[notice]A fortnightly column on marriage, family and relationships.[/notice] Traumatic experiences happen to all of us. It is not a question of if they happen it is a matter of when. All of us will lose a loved one; will experience some failure and disappointment. When it seems that life is […]

Zimbabwe Perspective: Quo Vadis, Domine?

[notice]The following perspective was written by a Christian leader in Zimbabwe after the 2013 elections. His response to the results can be seen as representative of the emotions experienced by many Christians around the world who are disappointed when hope is not realised. — Originally published in INContext Ministries’ World In Motion, Issue […]

Hope balloons: photo gallery

We catch up with the Message of Hope project [EasyGallery id=’hopeballoons’] Last week we reported on a prayer initiative that included the release of a mass of helium-filled balloons with messages of hope destined to encourage people in East London. You can click on the image above for a visual […]