Tag: religious abuse

‘Bad pastors’ and the law: Part 3 — When a pastor does strange (but not harmful or unlawful) things

In this series of articles, Freedom of Religion South Africa (FOR SA) discusses existing legal remedies for abuses or strange practices by religious leaders highlighted by the CRL Rights Commission and the media. FOR SA has consistently cited applicable existing laws as one of its objections to state regulation of […]

‘Bad pastors’ and the law: Part 2 — When a pastor makes fantastical and false claims or promises

In this series of articles, Freedom of Religion South Africa (FOR SA) discusses existing legal remedies for abuses or strange practices by religious leaders highlighted by the CRL Rights Commission and the media. FOR SA has consistently cited applicable existing laws as one of its objections to state regulation of […]

‘Bad pastors’ and the law: Part 1 — When a pastor commits criminal or illegal acts in the name of religion

In this series of articles, Freedom of Religion South Africa (FOR SA) discusses existing legal remedies for abuses or strange practices by religious leaders highlighted by the CRL Rights Commission and the media. FOR SA has consistently cited applicable existing laws as one of its objections to state regulation of […]

Why pastors are the new witchdoctors, spirit mediums and con-artists (and how to change that) — Tendai Chitsike

A monthly column that reflects on living in the Kingdom of God. Zimbabwean investigative journalist Edmund Kudzayi tweeted the following recently: “Zimbabwe needs a cleansing ceremony. Pastors, prophets, witchdoctors, spirit mediums, etc. Lock all of them up in the National Sports Stadium…” The tweet was undoubtedly his most popular in […]

Parliament to consider compulsory licensing of pastors, churches in June

The CRL Rights Commission has indicated that its final report on the “Commercialisation of Religion and Abuse of People’s Belief Systems”, which recommends broad-scale regulation of religion in South Africa, will be presented to parliament in June. At this stage the presentation to parliament will have no immediate legal effect. […]

Cool heads needed in probe into religious exploitation

The Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Cultural, Linguistic and Religious Rights of Communities (CRL) has caused great consternation within the South African Christian community as it continues with its hearings into the commercialisation of religion and the exploitation of people’s beliefs. As a chapter 9 institution, the commission […]