Africa News

Nigeria arrests suspects in church massacre

Originall published in Christian News Nigeria has arrested suspects in an Islamist militant attack in a Catholic church that killed 40 people two months ago, Chief of Defence Staff General Leo Irabor told local media on Tuesday. Irabor said the attackers were arrested during joint operations involving the armed forces, the Department […]

Burkina Faso: Christians increasingly harassed by Islamic extremists

Originally published in Worthy News Churches in Burkina Faso have been increasingly harassed by Muslim extremists who have disrupted their services, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. The population of Burkina Faso is 60.5% Islamic and 23.2% Christian, with 15.3% of indigenous beliefs, according to Wikipedia. In recent weeks Islamic militants have entered church services […]

Over 8 000 Rwandan churches remain closed

Originally published by Open Doors More than 8 000 churches in Rwanda closed in 2018 for not meeting stringent health and safety requirements remain closed. After the brief incarceration of six Christian leaders for criticising the government directive, few others dare to speak out. In 2018, World Watch Monitor reported the closure of more than […]

African Enterprise celebrating 60th anniversary with citywide missions

This month ministry organisation African Enterprise is celebrating 60 years of evangelising the cities of Africa through mission in Word and deed in partnership with local churches. Founded by evangelist Michael Cassidy when he was in his early 20s, AE has played a pivotal role in Africa bringing peace and reconciliation […]

Christians paying the ultimate price in Nigeria

Originally published in Christian Today Christians in Nigeria are paying the ultimate price for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, reports Kenneth Harrod of Release International. Reverend Ibrahim Isa had won many people for Christ. It had earned him death threats. Despite that, he was determined to continue preaching. Ibrahim […]

Women, children caught in crossfire of Mozambique’s battle with insurgents

Originally published in International Christian Concern As Mozambique continues the “war on terror” that it has been fighting since 2017 against Islamic militants belonging to the ISIS-affiliated group al-Shabaab, women and children are often caught in the crossfire.  The conflict, while complicated, seems to stem from both rising extremism and violence […]