
China installs surveillance cameras in churches to monitor Christians

  By Michael Foust — Originally published in Christian Headlines China’s Orwellian-like network of surveillance cameras now includes churches. Most churches within the Protestant Three-Self Patriotic Movement in one major Chinese city, Huai’an, have government-mandated surveillance cameras that allow the communist government to monitor the congregation’s every move, Bitter Winter […]

Chinese police beat 60 Christians, close Church, bury bibles

Originally Published in Christian Headlines More than 100 Chinese police officers and SWAT team members closed a newly constructed church and beat dozens of Christians who were guarding it, and then buried Bibles and hymnbooks before leaving. The incident in Henan – China’s third largest province – took place in […]

Hindu push in Nepal reminiscent of India extremism

Originally published in Mission Network News A group in Nepal is calling for the nation to once again return to a Hindu state. The pro-Hindu Rastriya Prajatantra Party recently launched an initiative in each province to push its pro-Hindu agenda in the country. Currently, Nepal is a secular republic, but […]

China bans Zion, Beijing’s biggest house church

Originally published in Christianity Today Beijing authorities threatened to close Zion Church last month after the 1 500-member congregation, one of the Chinese capital’s largest house churches, refused to install surveillance cameras in its sanctuary. After services on Sunday, officials delivered on their threat to the unofficial Protestant congregation, which […]