
Ministry finally distributes bibles legally in China

By Lyndsey Koh–Originally published in Mission Network News Bibles For The World is in the ministry of distributing bibles legally. But with China’s restrictions in the past on the spread of God’s Word, Bibles For The World couldn’t go into China for scripture distributions. However, China has slowly opened to the […]

Jailing of Christian governor for ‘blasphemy’ pushes Indonesia towards radical Islam

Compiled from reports (see below) Indonesia’s highest profile Christian politician is tonight in a prison cell, sentenced to two years for blasphemy, and the country’s reputation for pluralism and religious tolerance is in peril. The district court where the verdict was announced was surrounded by radical Islamist mobs calling for […]

US defunds UN’s aid for forced abortions in China

Originally published in CBN News It’s no secret that China’s strict two-child policy has ended countless unborn babies’ lives through forced abortions. Now, President Donald Trump is taking a stand against China’s forced abortions by cutting funds to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). “This determination was made based on […]