
China marks 24th anniversary of brutal Tiananmen crackdown

  Beijing bans discussion of event, arrests activists and censors social media Originally published in VOA China is marking the 24th anniversary of the bloody Tiananmen Square crackdown, amid tight security in Beijing and stifling censorship on the web. Authorities every year work hard to prevent memorials and ban public […]

White House welcomes Burmese president despite persecution reports

Details of horrific treatment of Christians continue to emerge Originally published by ICC International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that Burmese President Thein Sein was warmly welcomed by President Barack Obama to the White House on Monday even as reports of ‘severe’ human rights abuses, including persecution of Christian ethnic […]

Indian Supreme Court considering online porn ban

By Thaddeus Baklinski — Originally published in Lifesite News Responding to a groundswell of public opinion, the Supreme Court of India has asked the government to respond to a public interest litigation (PIL) petition that seeks to ban online pornography. The petition comes in the wake of a brutal gang-rape […]