Other News

Concourt decision in Qwelane: implications for religious speech

Adcocate Nadene Badenhorst legal counsel to Freedom of Religion South Africa (FOR SA) unpacks the implications for religious speech arising from the recent ‘Qwelane judgment’ in the Constitutional Court On July 30 the Constitutional Court handed down a unanimous judgment in the controversial and long-awaited case of Jon Qwelane versus the SA Human […]

Legal challenge filed in Uganda to overturn “draconian” Covid-19 worship ban

A church in Kampala and a representative from the Muslim community have commenced legal action challenging the Ugandan government’s ban on public worship after new national lockdown measures were announced on July 30. Under new regulations, malls, arcades, and business centres may open, with public transport functioning at 50% capacity. […]

Nigerian pastor released after 7 months in captivity

Originally published by Voice of the Martyrs On October 19 2020, Reverend Polycarp Zongo was kidnapped by members of the terrorist group Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) while travelling from his home in Jos to Gombe for a conference. Within weeks of his abduction, his kidnappers released a video […]