Other News

How Does the Gospel of the Kingdom impact xenophobia?

[notice]A monthly column that reflects on living in the Kingdom of God.[/notice] At the foundation of xenophobia or genocide is an underlying narrative that dehumanises the other. Victims of slavery, genocide and xenophobic violence have been called ‘less than human’, ‘cockroaches’ or other demeaning labels such as ‘kwerekwere’ in our […]

WATCH: Video Of the Week: April 23, 2015 — SA Christian artists release song against xenophobia

[notice]In Video of the Week we post a weekly video clip to inspire, inform, edify or entertain. Readers are welcome to email suggested clips of the week to news@gatwaynews.co.za[/notice] South African Christian recording artists Neville D, Judith Sephuma and Patrick Duncan have collaborated to produce a song and music video in […]

Same sex couple and Christian guesthouse owners to “respect each other’s beliefs”

By agreement between the parties, the settlement agreement concluded last week between same sex couple Mr Neil Coulson and Mr Jonathan Sedgwick, and Wolseley guesthouse owners Steph and Marina Neethling, was made an Order of the Bellville Equality Court yesterday (Tuesday, April 21). The Magistrate who granted the Order in […]