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A special appeal to our readers Dear Gateway News Reader Please take a few moments to read this extremely rare, and very important, special newsletter to our readers. I do hope that after reading this short letter you will decide to join our Super Subscriber programme and pay a small […]

Prayer needed as mass abductions, murders mar run-up to Nigerian presidential elections

Reports of mass abductions of women and children and brutal murders in Nigeria ahead of Saturday’s (March 28, 2015) tightly contested presidential elections have prompted Open Doors to issue a call for fervent intercession for victims, their families and the nation. According to Reuters, Boko Haram militants have kidnapped more […]

Pakistani Christians commemorate victims of terror attack, say Jihadists will never ‘push back’ their faith

Hundreds of Pakistani Christians on Tuesday held prayer services to commemorate the victims of two Taliban suicide bombs in the city of Lahore, refusing to let terrorism silence their faith. On March 16, suicide bombers affiliated with the Pakistani Taliban launched attacks against two churches conducting Sunday morning services in […]