Other News

Sudan regime targeting church, foreign aid workers

Originally published in Baptist Press Security forces in Sudan reportedly are focusing on the removal of foreigners who work for hundreds of foreign aid organisations within its borders. The concern, raised by two workers in statements to Baptist Press, follows a report on religious freedom in predominantly Muslim Sudan released […]

Look up!

[notice]Musings around children’s ministry.[/notice]I have a huge backpack that I carry around daily. If you saw me walking by you’d probably think that I was going on a hike or something. I carry it because it is big enough to hold all of the things I need on a daily […]

‘Western media complicit in nightmare facing Christians in Syria’

  Midguided US, Europe arming fundamentalist jihadists, say Christian sources [notice]In this biting report on the devastating situation in Syria, Italian journalist  Alessandra Nucci writes that the rebel forces fighting against the regime of dictator President Bashar al-Assad are not fighting for democracy but to establish a radcial, Islamic state that would […]

Christians in Iran jailed for ‘propaganda’

US pastor marks 300 days in Tehran prison Originally published in Baptist Press Eight Iranian Christians were charged with “action against the national security” and “propaganda against the system” recently after being arrested in a raid of an evening prayer service, evidence of ongoing persecution of Christians in Iran. The […]