Other News

Egypt coup: Islamists call for mass protest

Originally published in Worthy News Islamist parties and movements in Egypt have called on their followers to demonstrate against the military overthrow of the country’s first democratically elected leader, Mohamed Morsi. The National Alliance to Support Legitimacy, which includes the ousted president’s Muslim Brotherhood, urged “peaceful protests” on Friday in […]

Bible Society Director says real picture inside Egypt very different from what may be imagined

Originally published in ANS  Images of the unrest and demonstrations in Egypt, where President Mohamed Morsi is reportedly under house arrest, are deeply concerning to people worldwide. Media reports say the military’s actions that deposed Morsi have been denounced by his supporters as a “coup,” and lauded as a “correction” […]

Iran releases pastor of largest Pentecostal church

Originally published in Assist News Service One of the leaders of the shuttered Central Assemblies of God Church in Tehran has been released from prison after spending 43 days in custody. According to a story by Mohabat Iranian Christian News Agency, Pastor Robert Asserian was arrested by security authorities in […]

Archaeologists: we found Shilo Tabernacle

Archaeologists say they have found the remains of the Biblical Israelites’ Tabernacle at site of ancient Shilo. The Tabernacle precedes the Temples and dates to the period between the conquest of the Land of Israel by Joshua and the rise of King David. According to a report in Yisrael Hayom, […]