Other News

Marie Stopes launches new campaign to target youth

Abortion clinic chain Marie Stopes, in partnership with tertiary institutions and the Department of Health, is launching a campaign aimed at  ‘indoctrinating schools, colleges and universities about sexuality, contraceptives and abortion under the auspices of “reproductive health”,’ reports Africa Christian Action (ACA). Leader of Marie Stopes’ Blue Light Campaign, Ndi Mumbengegwi, […]

The moral status of the human embryo — when is a person?

By Peter Saunders — Originally published in Christian Medical Comment — via Contact Online Weblog The moral status of the embryo is one of the key pressure-points in ethical debates about post-coital contraception, therapeutic cloning, pre-implantation diagnosis, artificial reproduction, embryo research and cloning. The issue, which has profound implications for medical […]

Egyptian military ousts Morsi, suspends constitution

Originally published by Fox News Egypt’s top military commander announced Wednesday President Mohammed Morsi had been ousted and replaced by the chief justice of the constitutional court as the interim head of state. In addition, Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi said the country’s constitution has been temporarily suspended and new elections would […]