Other News

Time for some Godly love songs!

[notice]Hugh Wetmore is a songwriter and student of worship trends. He invites you to join the worship conversation by commenting on his monthly column.[/notice] Why should world meet romantic needs of Christian youth? Valentine’s Day has prompted many a love-song. Some who never wrote songs before, suddenly find the inspiration […]

What Have You Thanked God For Lately?

On your feet now—applaud God! Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourselves into his presence…Enter with the password: “Thank you!” Make yourselves at home, talking praise. Thank him. Worship him. Psalm 100:1-2 & 4 (MSG) When last did someone sincerely thank you for something you did? I don’t mean a […]

Crisis in Syria creates openness to Jesus

Originally published in Charisma News “Really, only God could pull this one off.” Those were the words of E3 Partners Middle East expert Tom Doyle, talking to Mission Network News about the miraculous way the gospel is reaching the hearts of the Syrian people. According to Doyle, “There are five […]

Samaritan’s Purse sends emergency relief to Mozambique

Originally published in Charisma News Samaritan’s Purse is providing emergency supplies and relief for thousands of families displaced by floods in Mozambique. The international Christian relief organization is coordinating relief supplies coming from three countries—by planes and across land. Officials estimate that catastrophic flooding in Mozambique displaced more than 150 […]

Revive SA’s conscience! Take a stand for life!

The Right to Life is the most fundamental of human rights for those both inside and outside the womb. Human life has lost its sanctity in South Africa as a result of tax-payer funded abortion on demand. Friday February 1, 2013, marks the 16th anniversary of the legalisation of abortion-on-demand […]

Open Doors getting top, international Christian media award

The National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) has announced Open Doors will receive the Milestone Award during the NRB Convention in early March. The Milestone Award is given annually to ministries which have more than 50 years of continuous ministry in Christian outreach and broadcasting. Open Doors is celebrating 58 years of […]