Other News

Queen James Bible condones homosexual practice

By Michael Brown — Originally published in Charisma News In case you haven’t heard the news, there is a new edition of the King James Bible that rewrites eight key verses that speak against homosexual practice. It’s called the Queen James Bible (I kid you not), and the editors state […]

Netanyahu: We will build in Jerusalem

Originally published in Charisma News Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday his government would press ahead with expanding Jewish settlements around Jerusalem despite Western criticism of its plan to build 6,000 more homes in territory Palestinians seek for a state. In addition to several thousand housing units approved […]

Christian shot to death in Somalia

Originally published in Morning Star News Gunmen in central Somalia on Saturday (Dec. 8) killed an underground Christian who had been receiving death threats for leaving Islam, area sources said. Two unidentified masked men shot Mursal Isse Siad, 55, outside his home in Beledweyne, 206 miles (332 kilometers) north of […]

Are you missing God’s plan for your life?

[notice]A fortnightly devotional based on everyday experiences.[/notice] But Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the Lord. Then the […]