Bloemfontein doctor whose patients pay what they can afford, says God gave him idea

Dr Paulo de Valdoleiros with a patient, Nadine Gerber, at his Bloemfontein practice today.

“It’s a God idea. It’s not my idea. It goes against all human logic and that’s why it’s caught the imagination of so many people.”

So said Dr Paulo de Valdoleiros in a telephone interview with Gateway News yesterday, on the 11th working day since he opened his unique practice in Westdene, Bloemfontein, where patients receive care and then pay what they feel they can afford.

He said it was “quite crazy and unexpected” how much publicity his practice has received locally and internationally over the past week on social media, on the front page of a local daily newspaper, in online and print media, on radio and even on television.

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“What has happened has definitely not been due to natural causes. There is no way I could have come up with such a marketing plan,” chuckled the 58-year-old doctor who said he had seen about 20 patients yesterday — more than he saw in the whole first week.

God’s Word
He said God’s idea for his practice has provided him with the perfect platform to do what he believes he was created to do — to share “God’s unadulterated Word” and “to deliver whatever message He wants me to deliver”, while providing people with excellent, personalised medical care, irrespective of their financial circumstances.

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De Valdoleiros said he had dreamed of helping people as a doctor since he was 9-years-old. But his family, which came to South Africa from Mozambique when he was 14, was poor and he started working after completing school.

Against all odds, at the age of 46, he managed to enrol in medical school at the University of Free State where he gained a reputation for thinking differently. He believes that the human body is designed for health and not disease, so we need to learn how to prevent disease rather than how to cure it.

He graduated at 51 and later did some study in functional medicine, which is a speciality in the US but is not taught in South Africa. He is a regular guest on the health-product-oriented Real Health Show on the Home Channel on DSTV.

He said God’s statement that His people perish because of lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) is true in all fields including health.

Teaching patients to take care of their bodies
“Treating the symptoms is not enough. Many conditions are due to lifestyle,” he said, emphasising that he is committed to teaching patients to take better care of their bodies in order to live healthier, longer lives.

He said he had known for a long time that he was called to declare and teach God’s Word — but not as a pastor or evangelist. He pursued his childhood dream of studying medicine and now realises that God has used that to open up a platform for him to reach people who might never set foot in a church.

He said he has been through a difficult time after he and his wife were divorced five years ago — a situation he is still trusting God to reverse.

During this hard time he began to journal his journey with God, recording key Scriptures and divine impressions. In July 2017 he wrote in his journal that a time was coming when he was going to be doing things that defy all logic.

Three months ago he decided that he was going to implement “this God idea” that had been with him for a while and he started his current practice.

The concept
“Basically the concept was I can take care of anybody — you pay what you can afford. So, I see the patient, I do an examination if necessary. We give out basic medication — by basic medication I mean the type of medication that has been around for about 40 years, so it is relatively cheap. So a little session of antibiotics costs us around R20 to R25.

“We don’t charge for any of this. I see the patient, I give them medication if necessary. You then go to reception and you decide your fee. The staff is trained not to tell you what it is or what it isn’t because we don’t have a set fee. It’s what you decide, what you can afford — it’s between you and your conscience.

“In a sense, I’m getting people to make decisions they have never had to make. I feel that just because you don’t have money shouldn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to see a doctor,” he said.

De Valdoleiros said a number of people have asked him about the risk of people abusing the opportunity he provided. He said his response was that there is nothing to abuse as there is no system, as there is no minimum.

He said he is not contracted to any medical aids as this would defeat the purpose of the practice.

For everybody
He emphasised that his practice is not for poor people only. So far, most of the people he has seen are facing financial challenges. His patients have ranged from a very poor, uneducated person who can’t write his first name to a young advocate and two candidate attorneys. One couple had a top medical aid but due to terrible issues earlier this year their medical aid and savings were depleted. Others were in financial difficulty through factors such as retrenchment or poor choices.

He said he kept boxes of tissues on his desk and the tissues were being used.

“People cry and it is good for them to let things out. They open up to me and regardless of education or status they are all people. Everyone has the same need for God, everyone has the same need for meaning. Most people are striving for money in a constant struggle for survival with no true dependence on the Creator — the one who takes care of the lilies and takes care of the birds, and surely knows how to take care of us.”

De Valdoleiros said he was having the greatest fun of his life being able to help people on different levels.

“There are people with terrible issues — people who were molested at the age of six, people suffering terrible trauma, living in incredible pain. The needs are incredible.”

He said patients can arrive at the practice at 100 Kellner Street, Westdene, Bloemfontein, and expect to be seen on a first-come-first-served basis. But patients are welcome to call first at 071 719 1675 if they wished.


  1. Great initiative. God bless.

  2. Jenny Langereis

    God is Good. Bless you and all who come through your doors

  3. Wynand Bloemhof

    Wow! Jesus loves you. God bless.
    How wonderful to hear something positive in this terrible Country that I love so passionately

  4. Harrington Ndlebe

    What a wonderful work of God through Dr De Valdoreilos

  5. The Lord is good all the time.

  6. Dr De Valdoreidos- What an incrediblexample – and inspiration you are to mankind as a whole! You will be amazed hòw much you will be blessed of God for following your heart! “God loves a cheerful giver.’ You will be in my prayers.

  7. What a wonderful work of God , be Blessed Dr De valdoreil.

  8. Jenny Vermaak

    Mag die Here jou grondgebied beetroot en jou onder Sy beskerming neem dat geen onheil jou sal tref en jy geen smart sal lei nie. Mag Sy naam hierdeur verheerlik word. Ek eer jou hiervoor dat jy Jesus is vir hierdie stukkende en seer wêreld waar in ons leef. Dankie Here dat hy gehoorsaam is aan U

  9. Hugh G Wetmore

    God will supply all YOUR need from his riches in glory! God bless you and all who come into your surgery.

  10. Fihestia Heynes

    May Gods blessings surround you each day! What a true worshipper!Stay blessed dr!

  11. Dr. De Valdoleiros – you are a model that people can style their lives after. Many people are Christians but through a weakened gospel, a very much watered down version of what the gospel is, being preached from 99% of pulpits in this country, they go uneducated in the ways of God’s Words. But when they see someone like you “being” what you say you are, when they see someone walking the walk instead of just talking the talk, their faith rises and they become your “disciples” for want of a better word. This is when you point them to Jesus (1 Corinthians 11:1). Keep it up Bru, keep it up. Every day is one day closer to LORD Jesus’ return. Very shortly there will be no days left!

  12. Elise van Greunen

    Wonderlik om te sien dat daar nog iemand is wat vir sy medemens omgee en wil help .
    Ek bid dat u Praktyk Geseend sal wees..

  13. Rev. Mapalo Kedrick

    This is living with purpose- meaningful and impactful!

  14. DR Valdeiros You are a person Of God and He has Placed you in that position to do what you are doin and that is being His servant here on earth in you Medical Profession by helping people that way. I take my hat off to you sir and have the greatest of respect for you I’m from Cape Town but if I can come till their then so be it but unfortunately that can’t happen .DR you must keep up the good work

  15. God is already blessing you. Great stuff.i have a social work practice and it’s hard to keep it running… God provide though on a daily basis.

  16. kenneth alexander

    we need you on the Cape Flats Doc

  17. Sandra Fisher

    Great article – one correction – Stellenbosch Universty offers a course in functional medicine – so is available in South Africa.

  18. God bless you and keep you for taking care of his people

  19. Thank you Dr. for listening to God. Blessed are your hands to heal people. Amen

  20. Rita de Villiers

    Het lanklaas so n positiewe opbouende berig gelees. Weet ons Vader sal hom seen vir wat hy doen en dat God deur hom baie mense met die waarheid sal bedien.

  21. The more you give the more you will RECEIVE in so many different ways, Blessings PEACE of i

  22. Lourin Viljoen

    Dr you have a real marketplace ministry. May God bless you and your family in abundance. You are willing and obedient and you will eat the good of the land. Isiah 1:19
    We trust that your marriage will be restored.

  23. But GOD… Thank you Dr. for being obient 2GOD….u Will Surely Lack Nothing as long as u Do the Will of the Father??Blessed are your hands to heal people In the Mighty Name of Jesus Amen NothingButLove
    Naomi Mingo

  24. May God Bless you in super Abbundance, so that the world can see: our God, and Jesus Christ, lives and reigns!! God of miracles and provision..

  25. Lydia VanRooyen

    May the Good Lord bless and keep you. Amaziing what youre doing. Be blessed

  26. It is only God who can make a person to be that obedient. May He bless your work and household greatly Dr.

  27. God Sal jou SEEN! My man was nou tweeweke terug by n bekende Dr v discovery, kind siek, my man vra hom of hy nie asb vir hom 12 kortesoon pilletjies kan voor skryf hy is ni n pasiente en hyt n bors verkoue help net om d bors biki oop te hou. Onthou Klein kind betaal vir die besoek. Ja mnr soek jou medies Nommer. Se toe losmaar Wil nou wragtig nog n R600 maak op n R20 se medikasie! Gesien Dr met Dr familie en predikant familie. Vet vevreet bars uit sy nate uit, ek net n gewone pensioenaris. Ja duidelik nie n Dr met n hart vir pasiente maar wel n groot hard vir geld. Groete vir jou dr’tjie maar nie eers ons kinders gaan jou weer gebruik! Geld god sy liefde, hy moet biki v sy predikant familie vra om v hom te bid! Skandelik!!!! Hoe gaan slaap men’s met so n gesindheid. ONS Vader sorg vir die regverdiges, dit kan net goed gaan met jou Dr met jou barmhartige hart!

  28. Baie mooi gestel

  29. God bless you and the good work you do let the light of Jesus shine through you

  30. Wow, this is an amazing way of serving God. What an inspiring story.

  31. Dr u is n ware inspirasie! n Dr wat sy lewe toewy om te genees en nie om homself net te verryk nie. God sal u mildelik seen.

  32. Nisha Bishun

    Dr Dr Valdeiros you are an inspiration to all humans! God will bless you in every area of your life. May His favour surround you always and may you see His Glory in every person that you minister to. Continue being a blessing and You will walk in favor and blessings that you you can’t even imagine!

  33. May God keep protecting you as you help out his children

  34. you are a man after Gods heart .We are all extention of God on this earth but we all do not do it.,you are A god in action.May our Almighty Father Bless you out of your boots.Today most of our people can not afford to pay the fees of most of these greedy money hungry Doctors your are a blessing to those who van not pay you but need the help they can are a Blessing.

  35. you are a man after Gods heart .We are all an extension of God on this earth, but we all do not do it.,you are A god in action.DR Valdeiros May our Almighty Father Bless you out of your boots.Today most of our people can not afford to pay the fees of most of these greedy money hungry Doctors, you are a blessing to those who can not pay, but need the help they can are a Blessing.

  36. Sir such kindness is Godly. Have a wonderful day.

  37. Thank you for your God given service to Man..i believe .you will always be provided for by our Heavenly Father…Thank you ..gratsias ..siyabonga Doctor Valdeiros. People who come to you will leave feeling healed already ! Thank you ! Thank God fur you fur this suffering country .. I hope President Ramaphosa will hear about you. shalom Doctor from God ..Gloria Deos.

  38. Theresa Martin

    What a blessing and merciful man are you. Helping those in great need and utilising the skills, knowledge and talent that God provided you with is a wonderful testimony to the greatness of God. God bless you and your patients.

  39. Daantjie Lottering

    Godse rykste seen aan u,vir nou en in d toekoms,gehoorsaamheid is beter as offerande.

  40. Hugh G Wetmore

    Hi Estelle and others who feel the same … “greedy money-hungry doctors”??? I believe that most doctors who do not follow the example of the Blessed Bloemfontein Doctor are not necessarily “greedy money-hungry doctors”. Remember, they do not set their own consulting etc fees – they follow tariffs laid down by the Medical Council. Yes, we must pay them R480+ for a consultation. That is difficult for me too. But I pay, willingly. Because I am aware of the high overheads doctors must pay before they see their first patient each month: Rent or bond instalments for consulting rooms + staff, whether insourced or outsourced (accounting, receptionist) + purchase and maintenance of expensive technical equipment + expensive insurance to protect them from claims for mistakes they may be alleged to have made + paying instalments on their medical study loans. All this before they begin to pay the ordinary living expenses which you and I must cover every month.

    Before anyone complains about fees being beyond their means, that person must examine their own expenses: fancy smart-phones, DSTV subscriptions, take-aways and eating out, splashing out on holidays, entertainment. Only when these are minimised may we critique other peoples’ budgets.

    MATERIALISM is a universal false-religion. We all must examine ourselves to make sure we do not serve the god of Mammon. Matthew 6:24,33.

  41. Graham Heeley

    Good-day my Friend may Jesus continue to use you as his instrument to send out the the Christ Love and Light to all.In Jesus name

  42. God is great he send you to do good but I also need you but I’m in johannesburg

  43. Please bless him Lord Jesus. Protect him in Jesus Mighty name!

  44. Julieta J Guambe

    Since I was born never heard of someone’s existence with such a great heart. You are the chosen of God to save lives. My Lord Bless you and yr team.


  46. Dieter Hüllermeier

    A true Servant of God and I believe he will be rewarded by the Lord himself. Great going Dr. De Valdoleiros many blessings on you life.

  47. Someone who visited this Dr.told me the story… The guy told the Dr he did not have money on him. The Dr said that he could pay him when he had money. He said the Dr gave him good medicine which really helped him.He went back to pay the Dr the next day. Blessed are you Dr. I know that guy really do not have money but you still helped him

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