Other News

‘Support my letter to the President’ urges tireless Bela Bill opponent Marie Sukers

Losing her seat in Parliament after the recent elections has not stopped feisty former ACDP MP Marie Sukers from continuing her fight against the Basic Education Laws Amendment (Bela) Bill which is currently awaiting President Cyril Ramaphosa’s signature. The former member of the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education has written […]

TRANSFORMING A NATION: Deborah the prophetess, a judge who displayed incredible characteristics in her judgements! Episode 18

In the annals of ancient Israel, Deborah stands as a beacon of wisdom and justice says Janet Brann Hollis in this week’s Transforming a Nation podcast. As both prophetess and judge, her rulings were not just decisions; they were profound demonstrations of divine insight and unwavering integrity, she says. Each […]

‘Civilsation’ at stake, says Netanyahu in historic 4th address to US Congress

Sources: CBN, Thrive News, Israel365News, allisraelnews, MY CHRISTIAN DAILYSEE Op-ed: Were Americans listening to Netanyahu’s message? Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered an unprecedented fourth speech to the United States Congress on Wednesday at a time he called “a crossroads in history” “Our world is in upheaval. In the Middle […]

‘Jesus Risen’ statue going up in Jerusalem

Originally published in The Jerusalem Post In 2023, Father Ibrahim Faltas opened the first swimming pool in Jerusalem’s Old City after four years of herculanean excavation and construction. Now the 60-year-old Franciscan monk who was born in Alexandria, Egypt, has another towering ambition – to erect a 10m high statue […]