Give South Africa a future! — ICS-Christian-School-Founding: a new education programme


What is behind International Christian Schools (ICS)?

ICS is a non profit Christian education program. ICS is absolutely free for the users. Its aim is to offer you most of what you need to establish a Christian school with an  independent curriculum. ICS aims to establish a worldwide school network of member and partner schools. The first partner school is in Fish Hoek (ZA).

ICS also offers a variety of programs also for companies to create win-win situations!

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Membership is not required to use the concept and material. Only as an ICS school do you have to be a member.

Why ICS?

ics1Worldwide we have the capacity to offer high quality, Christian value based  education, without which societies will not have a real chance for the best  future.

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Why christian values?

ICS believes that without God‘s good values and His support, societies cannot be changed to be their best.

In some countries, the people think for today, not for tomorrow. That approach is destroying many 3rd World countries. In the Old Testament it is stated:  Be prepared for bad days; think about tomorrow, save your resources, etc.

The school life of ICS-Schools as a whole shows sustainability in education, in use of materials and of energy,  amongst other things.

The extremely important question “For what purpose?” is addressed and students are shown the relationship between the theory they are taught and real-life practice. Students enjoy successful moments, and a fun approach to learning that provides opportunities to exercise their strengths and develop their abilities for success in later life.

ics2Another  important
 aspect of ICS Schools is the values boys and girls must acquire. Today we lose the boys more than anyone else.

ICS  also offers another important idea/concept for schools and churches. On the webpage you will find: The Life Skill Conference concept!


Worldwide there is  a lack of knowledge in dealing with young adults (Grade 9 and higher) in the area of life skills. Through the conference concept we can reach young adults.

Let us go back to the ICS school founding idea.  We also offer several platforms on the  webpage.  Here are some examples:


  • Teachers without borders
  • Senior experts / Companies program
  • Specialists like speech therapists and psychologists
  • University students support teams

More information  can be found at  May God bless you!




  1. Gods Values come first, the care of the Environment is a natural consequence.

  2. Imagine if this concept could be introduced by the National Dept of Education! A real solution to the Huge Crises in S.A. A real GOD IDEA!!!

  3. Robbie Kruger

    Thank God for Organizations who still see the norms and values of Christianity as a vital issue in schools. God Bless!!

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