‘God reveals plans for SA during fasting and prayer campaign’

Janet Brann-Hollis.
‘2019 elections may be brought forward’

The voices of a praying and fasting network of Christians across the country stirred God’s heart to reveal some of His plans for the country at the start of the year, said SA Back to God (SABTG) leader Janet Brann-Hollis.

One of God’s main revelations during SABTG’s latest annual strategic fasting and prayer initiative from January 8 to 29 was that He was going to accelerate the process of change within the country, she said.

“We may possibly see the 2019 elections brought forward,” Brann-Hollis said.

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She said she believed God was preparing to usher in a new government to facilitate fresh leadership that has a new heart for the nation and its people.

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Brann-Hollis, who also leads prophetic and marketplace ministry Ruach Ministries, said people from every province in South Africa took part in the fasting and prayer campaign which focused on seven pillars of society — the government, the economy, the Church, the family, arts and entertainment, the media and the education sector. All of the country’s major prayer networks were represented under the banner of Intercessors for South Africa (Ifsa), and some political leaders participated. Daily prayer pointers were released to help participants follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

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“The main aim of the fast was to release the kingdom of God in various spheres of our personal life and in our country,” Brann-Hollis said.

In another revelation during the fasting and prayer time intercessors saw Cape Town as a city like Nineveh, where humanism, false religion and new age influence was the order of the day, and many people did not feel a need or desire to have God in their lives.

“God is not pleased with the church leaders of the city for their division and lack of a corporate structure of prayer so as to change the city. It is only when the church leadership acknowledge their lack of responsibility for the spiritual climate of the city, and in repentance and turning back to God on behalf of the city, will God begin to pour out the rain,” Bran-Hollis said.

Education shift
She said they also received a strong word concerning education in the country.

“The Spirit of the Lord is saying: ‘I have heard your cry in this nation for quality education, for teachers that will search for the heart of God on behalf of children and see their vocation as a calling, a privileged place of influence upon young hearts and I am granting your request in this day.

” ‘I am even shaking the tree of education right up into government. You will see the dead leaves of unfulfilled promises fall and even branches (people in positions of authority) being cut off and away. This is a season of pruning in education so I can rise up this nation to impact the world as I have promised many times before.’ ”

She said a movement would rise from parents — both in the home schooling and public education spheres — who have had enough,

“There will be a new body forming — something like a reformation group — with an agenda of truth and action. It started as an underground rebel movement but will be publicly heard and then taken into government.

“It will cause uproar and create motion in other parents’ hearts — not in a violent way — motivating others to action. God is taking us back to a foundation of truth in education and there can be no truth outside the God of Truth!

She says new leaders were arising in the nation.

“Do not look to the previous generation but look forward and you will begin to see men and women of God’s choosing. For as we pray, we will exercise a decisive influence over the course of government in this nation.”

Just leaders
She said the Lord would bring leaders together that would astound people, leaders that have His heart and a heart for the nation, and for justice, righteousness and truth.

“Do not criticise, but pray for the Lord will do new things,” she said.

Much revelation pertaining to the release of apostles and prophets in government was shown to various prayer groups.

“We will begin to see a much greater influence of these two ministry gifts within the sphere of government going forward,” Brann-Hollis said.

During the fasting time a politician testified that he would from now on do a weekly, personal fast as he had discovered the power in fasting. He had seen tremendous change in the authority over his life.

Another political figure testified, that he had been stirred to pray and fast for a politician of the opposition party. He said he felt so strongly to pray and intercede for the future of this leader, said Bran-Hollis.

She said many people who participated in the SABTG initiative had testified of breakthroughs in their personal lives, particularly in the area of finances, and in hearing God more clearly.

Shes said she originally launched the fasting and prayer initiative in response to a call from God confirmed by various prophetic words.

“Deep within I felt the pains of the nation, its present and its future destiny and was forced to act,” she said.

She wanted to awaken Christians to their responsibility as the body of Christ to pray for their country and their leaders.

“God raises leaders as agents of justice and righteousness. Should these leaders not obey the call of God, it is then the responsibility of the Church as the moral voice and conscience of the nation to facilitate the removal of governments for leaders of God’s choosing — Romans 13:1-5,” she said.

She encouraged believers to join the next SABTG fast which would be called on the first Wednesday of March.

She said fasting was not about a list of outward dos and don’ts, associated with various religions. Nor was it a means of dieting and losing weight, or a means to employ dark forces to curse others.

She believed that fasting was a powerful tool God has given to facilitate the opening of the spiritual realm over a people, the Church and a nation.

“The underlying principle of fasting is to deny the flesh. God rewards the sacrifice involved in fasting. We are the salt of the earth, and by fasting we prevent contamination of the world, and ungodly systems, religions and powers of darkness from being established on the earth,” she said.

She encouraged people who were interested in learning more about fasting to read her book: Why Fast? The Secret to a Supernatural Lifestyle.


  1. Suzette van Rooyen

    Thank you Janet for this encouraging word. We pray that as from today (after SONA) we will start seeing Godly changes in South Africa

  2. I am a missionary using sport as a toll to share the gospel and want to be part of this movement

  3. Thank you Janet for awakening us the church of God to arise and pray for SA continually. We decree and declare SHALOM over SA. GOD BLESS SA

  4. Thank you Jan thank youuu all for praying for our country Father was looking n found youuu faithful soldiers of The Cross!!!

  5. Thank You Father God for SABTG. Bless each and everyone that takes part. They are serious about your work. Free more and more people to take part we pray. With great love and adoration for our Most High God , our Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit. Amen

  6. I would like to know more about the fasting and participate with you in prayer and fasting in March. I did it on my own sometimes but something just is not right. Greetings in Jesus Name merie

  7. Hi Merie

    You are welcome to make contact with the SA BACK TO GOD movement by dropping them an e-mail:
    info@sabacktogod.co.za. You can also follow them on Facebook, they have very helpful newsfeeds, and visit their website, that has a lot of info on their fasting and prayer projects. Please let me know if you need any more assistance

  8. In 2011 God told me in my sleep that there will be a ‘David reign/rule for South Africa.

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