10 000 gather in heart of New York to denounce Iran nuclear deal

Thousands gathered at the Stop Iran Rally in Times Square, July 22, 2015. (PHOTO: Mason Resnick/ Stop Iran Rally Times Square Facebook Page)

Originally published in Breaking Israel News

Thousands gathered in the heart of New York City on Wednesday (July 24, 2015) to protest the threat of the Iran nuclear deal. Those gathered called on members of Congress to block the deal, which puts Israel’s security and that of the world at risk.

Right-wing Jewish and Christian Zionist groups had a major presence at the rally, including StandWithUs, Christians United for Israel (CUFI), Israeli American Council and the Zionist Organization of America.

Busses and caravans from across the country converged on Times Square, with similar rallies taking place in Los Angeles, Ft Lauderdale, Phoenix and Toronto.

“Greatest threat to the world”
Speakers, including various Republican politicians, slammed the deal, calling a nuclear Iran the greatest threat to the world. Protestors waved American flags and signs denouncing the deal.

“We’re here as Americans to speak with one voice to say stop Iran now, reject this deal,” said former Republican governor of New York George Pataki. “This is a God-awful deal, this must be rejected.Congress must do its job and stand up for the American people, stand up for our safety and say no to this Iranian deal.”

Jeffrey Wiesenfeld, co-organizer of the Stop Iran Rally, told AFP that 10,000 people had gathered.

Harvard Law professor and staunch Democrat Alan Dershowitz called on his fellow Democrats to oppose the deal and, for once, side with the Republicans. “It is a bad deal for Democrats. It is a bad deal for liberals. I am here opposing this deal as a liberal democrat,” AFP quoted him as saying.

The national protests come on the heels of a startling PEW survey that revealed that most American’s do not trust Iran to uphold their side of the nuclear deal. Unsurprisingly, the survey also showed a significant partisan divide on the subject.

54 percent of respondents said they had little to no confidence that the US and international agencies would be able to monitor Iran’s actions to comply with the agreement. Three-quarters of Republican respondents disproved of the agreement while 59 percent of Democrats supported it.

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One Comment

  1. I do not for one moment trust radical Islam in Iran, who have more than once voiced their aim of obliterating our Jewish friends,and ultimately Christians also, off the face of this earth.They will not succeed, Our Father God being our Helper.