Russell Brand asks for advice on churches, baptism in Instagram message

Russell Brand

Originally published in Premier Christian News

Actor and TV personality Russell Brand has taken to Instagram to ask followers about which church he should go to before describing how he wishes to get baptised.

“I’ve been going to church, a church where they do Alpha courses. I guess that’s sort of Church of England. I’ve been to a Catholic Church and I’m considering going to an Eastern Orthodox Church

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“Do you think that different denominations and distinctions are important when you look at God and the figure of Christ from as best as one might claim a universal perspective?”

Brand then explained he felt moved towards being baptised.

“Did you get baptised as an adult? Like would you do it in a river? Would you do it in a fun? Do you want to get fully under me? I want river Jordan or river Thames at worst. I want proper plunging.”

In September, a joint investigation by the Times newspaper and Channel 4 told the stories of five women who accused Brand of rape and sexual abuse.

The accusations relate to a period between 2006 and 2013. 

Brand has denied all the claims.

In a video response following the investigation, he said: “Amidst this litany of astonishing, rather baroque attacks are some very serious allegations that I absolutely refute.”

The Met Police told reporters in December that Brand had been questioned twice by Scotland Yard, relating to nine offences in total

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