National March For Life in Durban in October

(Photo: Doctors For Life facebook page)

A call has gone out to pro-lifers in South Africa to participate in a major national anti-abortion event — the South African March for Life in Durban on October 7.

The event organisers, the National Alliance for Life (NAL), which is the umbrella body for South African pro-life organisations and churches, says it hopes to revive an annual March for Life “where all pro-lifers will unite and stand up for those who can’t speak for themselves”.

“Despite the legalization of abortion in February 1997, there is a groundswell movement among South Africans against this law,” says NAL chairman, Dr Albu van Eeden in a letter inviting pro-lifers to the October march.

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He says the NAL was formed to create a platform for times where there was a need for pro-lifers in South Africa to plan and act together. The alliance purposely does not have a constitution in order to facilitate loose associations which allow participating churches and organisations to retain their own identities.

Member organization and churches that have been represented in the past are:  Doctors for Life, Christians For Truth, Focus on the Family, Frontline Fellowship, Africa Cares For Life, Roman Catholic Church, Apostolic Faith Mission, Health  Care Christian Fellowship, Durban  Community Church, ACDP, Umphakathi Okathazekile, Dutch Reformed Church, Presbyterian Church, Lutheran Church, Gereformeerde kerk, Christian Lawyers, Concerned Minister, International Christian Medical and Dental Association, Anglican church, The Evangelical Alliance of SA, Birth Right and Pro-life SA.

The SA March for Life will take place at 2pm in Durban North. The exact venue still has to be confirmed. More information about the March can be obtained by calling 032 481 5550 or by emailing

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