17 nations participated in joyous Bethlehem Gate prayer convocation in Cape Town

Torches being lit to signify the fire to be taken from the Cape throughout Africa.

[notice]Stephan van Niekerk attended the Bethlehem Gate convocation of the Jerusalem House of Prayer for all Nations in Cape Town last weekend. He filed this Special Report for Gateway News.[/notice]

The Mother City has been blessed with many Christian events during this last year but surely the prayer convocation last weekend in the heart of the peninsula must be regarded as a major spiritual highlight (if not a turning point) of the year.

Not only were 17 of the 21 nations occupying the Bethlehem Gate-region in Africa (one of the 12 Gateway-regions of the world designated by the number of portals in the ancient wall which surrounds the old city of Jerusalem) present but there was also a unique spirit of unity among delegates and visitors which produced a sense of sheer joy — especially toward the end. About 1 000 visitors attended the event during the course of the weekend.

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Speakers from Israel, Pastor Tom Hess (right) and South African-born Pastor Baruch Maayan.

The convocation was hosted by the Jerusalem House of Prayer for all Nations (JHoPfaN) which since 1987 has been mobilising intercessors permanently on the Mount of Olives. Since 1999 JHoPfaN has been organising and coordinating prayer watches in Jerusalem and more recently in other parts of the world. It also hosts the international prayer convocation held each year during the Biblical Feasts towards the year end and which is attended by thousands of believers who come to seek the Face of the Lord YHWH together on behalf of the Body of Christ and to stand in the gap for the Nation of Israel.

Of particular interest was the presence of the main speakers from Israel — Pastor Tom Hess, the founder of JHoPfan, and his wife Kate, and pastor Baruch Mayaan, a born and bred Jewish South African who leads a Messianic congregation in Tel Aviv. Leading the Bethlehem Gate-delegation of some 47 people from different African countries was pastor Langton Gatsi from Harare, Zimbabwe. The convocation theme of CAPE TOWN BREAKTHROUGH TO JERUSALEM served as a strong indicator of the purpose of the gathering: to focus our spiritual “energies” in a concentrated effort to promote the firm establishment and deepened growth of the Kingdom of God throughout the continent of Africa, commencing from the southern point of the continent (as per the numerous prophecies received over the last 100 years, including that of the writer at the time of his conversion) to the “Highway of Holiness” which will run from “Egypt through Jerusalem to Assyria” after the culmination of the Global Revival/Great Awakening which will see the salvation of multitudes of people from all classes, races and cultures. As a sign of the seriousness of this undertaking the delegates united in prayer on the first day at three places of great strategic and historic value: the Houses of Parliament, Church Square and the Rhodes Memorial Monument.

Although various themes were addressed by the different speakers they all had a common thread which can be summarised by stating that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. From the opening prayer relating to the “opening of the Gates” to the final “lighting of the torches” (carried by representatives of each country present, signifying the taking of the “spiritual fire” from the Cape to Jerusalem) the consistent emphasis was on the nature of the believer’s relationship with our Heavenly Father as personified by His Son, Jesus our Messiah, particularly in the light of the repentance which His Righteousness requires and the necessity for the hearing of His Voice, especially in terms of being equipped to receive a ‘breakthrough’ in those areas which have been ordained for us. Additionally there was some practical teaching on the application of Biblical principles, e.g. in the sphere of agriculture (where great strides are being made worldwide by a ministry originally from Zimbabwe inspired to bring back the “ancient ways” of farming in a very successful manner) and in the sphere of Godly governance, using the State of Israel as an example. It is indeed plainly visible for those who have eyes to see that the Israelis have most certainly aspired to and even achieved standards of justice which are undeniably high despite their opponents endeavours to state the contrary.

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Delegates at the convocation in the Holocaust Centre, Cape Town.
Delegates at the convocation at Lighthouse Ministries, Parow, Cape Town.

A prominent feature throughout the three days of the convocation was the truly outstanding level of praise and worship achieved by the
various groups from local fellowships from Khayelitsha, Parow and elsewhere, as well as by artists from the Cape such as Hanlie Slabbert
and Herschel Raysman.It can best be described that they had those “rocking in the pews”! One can only marvel at the effect it had on all present, no matter from which culture the music emanated — definite proof that in Jesus we are one !

This convocation has set the tone for the future in terms of the way ahead for the steadfast and patient adhering by the Body of Christ to the direction given by the Spirit of God as well as for continued and increased support for Israel, particularly in terms of “going up” to attend the next International Convocation in Jerusalem in September next year. The South African contingent in Jerusalem will be a “force” of prayer to be reckoned with, being an example to others of the commitment and perseverance required so that “God’s will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven”!!!

African LeaAfrican Leaders praying over various strategic continental issues.
African leaders praying over various strategic continental issues.

The organiser of this event, Maditshaba Moloko, at a subsequent prayer meeting, expressed her gratitude to our Heavenly Father for allowing those attending to experience His grace in a very special manner through wise and insightful messages by speakers and through the enthusiastic audience participation both in body and in spirit. Some of the delegates, e.g. from Botswana, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Nigeria concurred with this sentiment. It can be taken for granted that the South Africans who attended will equally be prepared to throw their weight in prayerfully regarding the next “wave” of spiritual manifestation which is expected to occur in the near future.


  1. I thank God for sending the convocation to Cape Town SA.I was really bless by the move of the Holy Spirit and the unity of our diverse culture. is it possible if you can email me the names of in the countries in the Bethlehem Gate please. God bless.

  2. clement ngonga

    to get in touch with pastot baruch

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