21Partnership hosting Fire Conference in PE

pefireA new end-time apostolic movement, the 21 Partnership under the banner of “One Voice, One Vision “, is inviting Port Elizabeth church leaders from all denominations to join them at their Fire Conference from October 17 to 19, 2014 at the Dower College sports field.        

According to Apostle Donovan Arends, founder of the movement, God spoke to him about the division among church leaders. “After many prayers He said I must form the 21 Partnership with leaders of different churches and denominations to stand together as one voice based on 1 Corinthians 1:10.”

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“We are facing so many challenging situations such as the killings and murder and sometimes just don’t know what to do or who to go to.  The Bible says our wrestle is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities and powers of the darkness. These are the forces that are controlling our people and especially our youngsters,” says Arends.

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They decided that something must be done and God gave them 2 Chronicles 7:14. “If my people which are called by my name…” “This 21Partnership is for church leaders from the less-fortunate and the fortunate. Through this movement we want to stand together as one voice to bring about change in our city and country,” he says.

And this is also the purpose of the Fire Conference – revival in the city. Guest speaker, Evangelist Tamryn Klintworth, will among other events, introduce SWIM lessons (Soul Winning Impartation Meetings). “At this time in life, we need to win souls for the Lord as time draws very close to His coming,” says Arends.

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The conference is free and open to anyone who wants to become involved in bringing change in the city. The program includes a breakfast on Saturday morning, Holy Ghost Fire night in the evening and a Holy Spirit Sunday.

21Partnership vision:

  • To stand together as one Voice to bring and sustain revival in our City
  • Establish relationships with leaders and to create opportunities for growth in God’s Kingdom
  • To be united as one Body in Christ
  • To reach more lost souls through SWIM lessons
  • To see more people healed in every area of their lives
  • To train and equip leaders and churches who desire increase in the lifestyle of power Evangelism and Leadership
  • To create yearly a special service and conference to Voice the Apostles and Prophets and Teachers
  • For spiritual growth in the church
  • To advance the Kingdom of God here on Earth
  • To be a “Father” to the fatherless (Spiritual Covering)
  • To establish a long and lasting relationship with the Community Based Organisation – We Care
  • To reach out to the poor and vulnerable in our city and progressively in our country

 This will be made possible through:

  • Regular seminars, conferences and workshops, outreach campaigns
  • Stand united as leaders
  • Set an example as the End-time Apostolic Movement
  • Support each other at events such as conferences, etc.
  • Keep Abreast of Holy Spirit Revelations through Fasting and Praying
  • Regular Meetings
  • Regular fellowship

  More information is available from Apostle Donovan Arends at 0725062159 or Apostle Ashlene Arends at 0767775018.


One Comment

  1. Raymond Matabiele

    Greetings. I am of the humble opinion that this is From God. May His abundance of Grace be on the Man of God.

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