4 000 pastors unite against Canadian law they say will ‘criminalise Christianity’

PHOTO: Valentina Petrova, AP Photo/File/CBN News

Originally published in CBN News

Thousands of pastors across North America have reportedly come together to protest Bill C-4, a Canadian law that took effect Jan. 8 after reportedly being pushed through Parliament with little debate.

The claim is that Bill C-4 is broadly worded and could, in effect, ban biblical teachings on sexual ethics, and impact even personal communications on the subject.

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Preachers are protesting the law at the pulpit, with 4,000 pastors affirming their opposition as well as willingness to speak out against it, Fox News reported.

John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in Los Angeles is among the pastors who have been vocal on the issue. He recently warned that such crackdowns will likely ramp up, especially as Christians refuse to cave.

“Ultimately, the dissenters, the ones who will not cave in, are going to be those who are faithful to the Bible. And that’s what’s already leading to laws made against doing what we are commanded to do in Scripture, which is to confront that sin,” he told Fox News. “And that’s just going to escalate.”

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MacArthur added, “I think it’s reached a level there in Canada that it hasn’t yet reached here, but it’s coming. It’s coming fast.”

The preacher isn’t alone in voicing concern. Liberty Coalition Canada, a legal group that educates Canadians about the intersection of faith and governance, organized a clarion call for pastors to step up to the plate and discuss these issues.

In an article titled, “Bill C-4: How Should The Church Respond?” the organization offered guidance, and directly addressed issues with the law.

“This bill, while purporting to protect individuals from coercion and abuse in the form of ‘conversion therapy,’ will instead criminalize Christianity in our country,” part of the statement read. “This bill’s wording is sufficiently broad to allow for the criminal prosecution of Christians who would speak biblical truth into the lives of those in bondage to sexual sins like homosexuality and transgenderism.”

Liberty Coalition Canada expressed worries that even parents could be imprisoned for trying to help their children escape “sexual sin through repentance and faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” The organization asked all Christian churches in Canada to come together and defend biblical truth.

The statement specifically asked church leaders to “publicly preach a sermon that specifically proclaims the biblical truth that homosexuality and transgenderism are serious sins condemned by the law of God that exclude a sinner from salvation without repentance.”

Thousands of pastors in North America reportedly responded to this call and are offering support to the initiative.

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One Comment

  1. There are many same-sex attracted persons, like myself, who wholeheartedly believe the teachings of Jesus Christ and the authority of Scripture (the whole tapestry & story of the Old and New Testament)… who have chosen freely and willingly to renounce secular definitions (LGBTQI) of identity and to adopt a celibate life because we believe God exists and has the authority to define right/wrong and what is good, to define human identity. This law would seek to outlaw the very words and wisdom that has granted me, and so many like me, the peace and freedom to live a whole, free and thriving life. LBGTQI ideology is not politically tolerant, it is aggressive in it’s demands that “all else” yield to it and affirm it’s worldview alone and that is the very bigotry it claims to avoid. #CHANGED.com

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