’40 Days for Life’ says 446 babies saved from abortion during campaign

Ultrasound of an unborn baby

Originally published in Urban Christian News

Pro-life organisation “40 Days for Life” has announced 446 confirmed reports of babies saved from abortion through their campaign efforts which coincide with the season of Lent.

40 Days of Life’s mission is “to bring together the body of Christ in a spirit of unity during a focused 40-day campaign of prayer, fasting, and peaceful activism, with the purpose of repentance, to seek God’s favour to turn hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life, thus bringing an end to abortion”.

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The organisation has shared multiple stories of people changing their hearts through prayer and conversations. Below are a few reports from the 40 Day campaign:

Day #6

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“On a rainy Memphis day, an abortion-bound couple refused assistance from a trained sidewalk counsellor named Tara. But before long, the man exited Planned Parenthood, offering to help shield vigil participants’ materials from the rain.

Tara gladly used the opportunity to tell him all about the support available to help the couple choose life. The man said he would try to change the woman’s mind, but when a half hour had passed, hope began to fade.

Finally, they emerged from Planned Parenthood and announced they had decided against abortion!”

Day #20

“In Smithtown, which is hosting its first-ever 40 Days for Life campaign, a woman admitted she pressured a teenage girl named Jessica into an abortion a few months earlier.

Jessica – heartbroken and trying to make amends for the loss of her child – decided to get pregnant again. And the same woman who pressured her into an abortion had now brought her right back to Planned Parenthood for another one.

“The woman felt crushed, extremely guilty, and did not know what to do about this second pregnancy,” wrote the Smithtown leadership team.

That’s when Jessica burst out of Planned Parenthood, running toward the vigil, crying, and looking for help. Vigil participants were happy to offer it, setting her up with an appointment at a crisis pregnancy centre.”

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