Christian supporters of Israel from many nations gather in Cape Town

brothers keeper
Proceedings get underway at the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) leaders’ meeting in Century City, Cape Town, today (May 19, 2016).

Israel — “The line has been drawn in the sand and the moment for decision and action has arrived: Will you be your Brother’s Keeper?”

This is the theme of the conference being held in the Cape Town International Conference Centre this week, attended by National Directors of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) from over 80 nations where ICEJ has branches. The Conference is open to the public for no charge from 1pm on Sunday afternoon and all Christians able to go are urged to attend to make a statement of support for Israel.

The Sunday event is also organised by the Africa for Israel Christian Coalition (AFICC). Together with the ICEJ’s South African Branch their aim is to bring together Christians of all denominations in a show of support at this time when Jewish people and Israelis are hard pressed.

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Luba Mayekiso, Chairman of both the AFICC and the ICEJ SA. says: “There can be no denying the negative spiritual consequences to our nation for hosting the Durban UN World Conference on Racism which triggered the Zionism is racism libel. This is further compounded by South African’s widely reported support for various anti-Semitic organisations such as BDS, Israeli Apartheid Week, the hosting of organisations such as Hamas and the doctrine of Replacement Theology and Kairos Palestine. As a first step, we need to repent on behalf of our nation’s part in the UN Durban World Conference on Racism and secondly, we need to stand together united in prayer.”

There are currently some 16 Christian Zionist organisations in South Africa; the ICEJ in Jerusalem has been in existence since 1980 and the David and Jonathan Foundation in South Africa this year celebrates 30 years of support to Israel.

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There has long been an interest in the Hebrew mindset in this country to better understand the meaning of the New Testament, yet there’s been a surge of awakening of support for Israel in South Africa recently with the majority of the Coalition, at least 12 organisations, having started operating in the last two years.

Mayekiso noted: “The conference is not about glorifying one organisation but seizing the providential opportunity presented by the presence of global leaders from so many nations converging on South Africa.”

The AFICC was formed with a view of providing a uniting umbrella platform for pro-Israel advocacy groups to speak in unity and to engage in a broad range of advocacy initiatives.

Mayekiso concluded: ” “It is comforting to note that there is a rapidly growing theologically correct appreciation of the covenantal relationship between God and the nation of Israel concerning the Promised Land.”


  1. Standing as a church leader in unity and solidarity with purpose strength and prayer for Israel and with Israel..

  2. Frankly I think this stance is not scripturally justifiable (unless you hold to premillenial/dispensationalist eschatology) or helpful when our main and only task is to preach the ‘gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ.’ See Mk. 1, Rom. 1, etc. There are many born-again, Spirit filled & highly committed believers in the world who sincerely hold to other views of prophetic scriptures and the last things.

  3. chistine preller

    I got a calling on monday 14 June, to start praying for Israel.

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