47 children, two adults baptised before start of East London school gala

Pastor Brian Bennets prepares learners for their baptism before the start of their school gala.

Something glorious happened before the start of a school gala in East London on March 7: 47 learners and two adults were baptised in the city’s Joan Harrison municipal swimming pool complex!

The exciting event in the spiritual life of Abbotsford Christian School had its beginnings on January 31 during a session of healing prayer in the school’s Shalom Room where teacher and school counsellor, Claudette Steyn was praying with a Grade 5 learner, Monique Daniel.

Pastor Bennets and Claudette Steyn baptised the children.

Steyn explained: “As the Holy Spirit ministered to her [Monique’s] areas of woundedness she started crying. After receiving a healing touch, the sadness (heaviness) lifted and she had a picture of an open door or a cloud. A dove flew through the open door and seeds (lots of seeds were falling from the basket) new life and healing.”

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She said Monique is suffering from a health problem that is causing nerve conduction in her body to deteriorate. After her vision the young girl asked the counsellor if she could baptise her as she felt it was what she wanted to do.

“So I started asking other learners at our school if they would be interested in being baptised.I was seriously amazed when 47 learners and our bursar responded and said, yes please! So register teachers were asked to share about the meaning of total surrender. I also took the group of students aside two days before the baptism and started sharing about a deeper friendship and open commitment walk with God. One of the guys Lwando in Grade 9 was overjoyed and just spoke about how everything I was sharing was happening to him, this was the 6th of March.

“On the 7th of March was our school Gala at East London Joan Harrison Pools. We invited the parents. Pastor Brian Bennetts from Christian Centre and I started baptising the young learners at 8am.

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Learner Sinovuyo and his mother were both baptised in one of the moving incidents of the morning.

“During the baptism, Sinovuyo’s mom was touched by the Holy Spirit, started crying and asked if we could please baptise her as well. So, why not? It was a lovely feeling and atmosphere as it was filled with excitement and a knowing Jesus was standing right there saying to each one: this is my beloved son, this is my beloved daughter. She / he brings me such joy.”

Steyn said that since the big gala baptism day God has continued to daily bring healing, restoration, peace and acceptance to the hearts and minds of they young learners.


  1. Pingback: 47 children, two adults baptised before start of East London school gala - United News

  2. That is such wonderful news. God is Moving amongst us. This is just such a Blessing. Praise the Lord. Thank you so. The door has been opened.

  3. Praise the Lord. Thank you. This is such a Blessing.

  4. Rev Ian Karshagen

    A touch of gold in a corroded copper world!

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