50 days of blessing the nation through prayer: Week 2 — Alf James

50 days week 2

Each week of the #50Dayd2BlesstheNation Alf James is interviewing a leader around the week’s theme. This week he spoke to Olusegun Olanipekun, Pastor of the Pretoria Christian Centre and leader at The Institute for Christian Leadership Development (ICLD) about the week’s focus of “The Government and Judicial system”.

Christians’ love for God, love for each other, love for all people and even for enemies, obedience to God’s commands and a radical new lifestyle of holiness and purity, are the conditions for God to pour out His blessing on a nation, according to the #50Dayd2BlesstheNation  initiative.

“The New Testament blessing does not always secure financial prosperity or physical security, but it enables people to live in such a way that other people are blessed, healed, restored, saved through faith in Jesus Christ and thus, restore the worship and honour of God as our heavenly Father. Such behaviour pleases God and causes the nation to be blessed.”

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The #50Dayd2BlesstheNation prayer initiative goes into its second week on Sunday April 23 and continues to Pentecost on June 4 with the aim of encouraging Christians to take responsibility for our nation; believing that God can and will change the hearts of South Africans.

Focus on the Government – Week 2 theme explained
The second of the weekly focus areas from April 23 to 29 centres on the government and judicial system.

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Christians are encouraged to pray for the president, MECs, political leaders, government officials, mayors, council members, municipal workers, magistrates, lawyers, advocates, judges, prosecuting officers, policemen and women, soldiers, foreigners, refugees, prison guards, and customs officials.

Olusegun Olanipekun, Pastor of the Pretoria Christian Centre and leader at The Institute for Christian Leadership Development (ICLD) says God mandated the Church to cover government in prayer.

1 Timothy 2:1-4 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men, for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all goodness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

“If the Church fails to cover the government and political leaders in prayer then other powers such as the occult and agents of darkness will have influence over them,” says Olanipekun.

“The prayers of the saints establish the link between the government and the throne of God, so that the government can become the agent of God and ensure that His will is done on earth as it is in heaven.

Praying for government to become agents of God
“It is vital that we pray for government to ensure they become the agents of God, agents of peace, prosperity, excellence and equity.

“If we do not pray for government it will become corrupt, inept and have a covering of darkness instead of light.

“The Church is the deciding factor of whether the government is an agent of the kingdom of God or an agent of darkness,” emphasises Olanipekun.

He says if the Church prays for government and those in authority they will be able to deliver promised services, but if the Church fails to pray for them, then they will facilitate the will of the devil within their sphere of influence.

Olanioekun emphasises that God does not promote insurrection, rebellion, unruliness and anarchy.

He says Romans 13:1-2 tells us that we should all be subject to the government authorities, because there is no authority except from God and that the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists government resists God and will bring judgement on themselves.

“It is important that people know that God takes the responsibility to ensure that the people have the kind of leaders that they deserve.

“Government leaders are usually an aggregate of the prevailing values of society,” says Olanipekun.

The nations need transformation
ICLD points out that the nations need transformation. The collapse of social order in many nations bear testimony to this and the challenges that face our generation including the crisis of poverty, HIV/AIDS, corruption, crime, domestic violence and unemployment.

“Solutions to these problems lie in a biblical and social reformation, as these problems cannot be left for government alone to address. We need to seek God and be equipped to address these issues.”

The daily prayer blessing for week 2 from April 23 to 29 is: In the Name of Jesus Christ we bless the government of South Africa, so that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness, for this is good, and pleases God our Saviour, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth; we bless our rulers and give their hearts into God’s hand, to direct it like a watercourse wherever it pleases Him, so that this government may rule with justice, honesty and fairness towards all citizens, foreigners, the poor and underprivileged, and that righteousness will be established; Our struggle is not against flesh and blood and therefore we bless our leaders with deliverance from and protection against the powers of darkness, against witchcraft and to not be involved in idolatry and any form of occultism; we bless them with wise counsellors and that all wicked men and women will be removed from the presence of the president, ministers and other governmental officials. We bless our judges, lawyers, attorneys, advocates, prosecuting officials and protection services, with safety, integrity, authority and godly wisdom to guard our nation against destructive ideologies, crime, murder, violence, genocide, revolution and rebellion. Bless our Government, o Lord!

Members of the Church are encouraged to participate in prayer walks and drives covering government institutions, municipalities, service delivery agents, border control and customs, courts, magistrate offices, police stations, army bases, metro police, security services, emergency services, and prisons with prayer.

The Church should also intercede for the salvation of perpetrators: Illegal immigrants, crime syndicates, hijackers, murderers, and prisoners.

How to participate

  • Download the Prayer Guide to Bless the Nation from http://ifsaprayer.co.za/category/resourcesmedia/ or http://www.jwipn.com/50-days-to-bless-the-nation-16-april-to-4-june-2017/
  • Receive a daily Whatsapp message from +27 817161203 with practical prayer-walk suggestions;
  • Receive a daily video clip with inspirational message from +27 798791848;
  • Prayer-walk with a friend. Pray for the present needs of people and places you see. Read Scripture aloud. Turn biblical phrases into prayers. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes and to pray according to the Father’s heart. Address your prayers to God when contending with evil. Ask God to restrain spiritual enemies so people can be redeemed.

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