70 000 gather in London’s Trafalgar Square to hear Gospel message


Originally published in CBN News

News of revival from countries outside of the United States continues to travel around the world. This time, a massive Gospel event in London last month saw more than 70 000 moved by the Spirit of God with many people giving their lives to Jesus Christ, experiencing healing and seeing deliverance.

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Evangelist Daniel Chand, pastor of Pragma Church and founder of Walking Like Jesus Ministries (WLJM), says thousands worshipped Jesus and heard an encouraging message in Trafalgar Square in the UK on May 4.

“We witnessed not only history but prophecy being (fulfilled),” he wrote. “Thousands in Trafalgar Square heard the Gospel. 70 years after Billy Graham stood in the same spot, myself along with other evangelists and pastors shared testimonies, prayed for the sick, and of course declared the greatest love story — The Gospel.”

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According to Walking Like Jesus Ministries, there were several testimonies of healing including healing from back pain, arthritis, nerve pain, and macro degenerative disease. 

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One woman pushed through a crowd on stage to testify about the miraculous healing she received when a lump in her body completely disappeared.

“I’ve had a lump disappear,” she declared as the crowd cheered and shouted for joy.

“God’s not finished with the United Kingdom,” WLJM said on Instagram. “We saw the Lord move powerful(ly) in our nation’s capital! God is hearing from heaven and healing our land. He’s shaking everything that needs to be shaken and he’s pouring out his Spirit!

Chand stood in the square boldly “proclaiming, pleading and preaching the blood of Jesus over the nation”.

As CBN News has reported recently, the Good News of the Gospel has been preached in public spaces across Europe in the last several weeks.

Praise filled the streets of Paris at the end of May as more than 25 000 people participated in the “March For Jesus in France”.

And in the Netherlands, there was a stunningly huge gathering for Christ at the 54th annual Opwekking Pentecost Conference. More than 63 000 people unashamedly glorified God, and an additional 700 000 reportedly participated online on Pentecost Sunday.

“Revival means following Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. This is our desire: The Netherlands full of Jesus,” the organisation wrote on Instagram. 

International evangelist Jean-Luc Trachsel, founder of Jean-Luc Trachsel Ministries and recent speaker at “March For Jesus in France,” says that despite reports that Christianity is dying in Europe, a “massive move of the Holy Spirit” is taking place. 

“Revival has truly started in Europe in many places with hungry and thirsty people ready to arise boldly to preach again clearly Jesus,” he recently wrote on Facebook. “It’s small, but it’s already historic and glorious…”

“Now in Europe, in the midst of darkness, war, oppositions, and even persecution, the Glory of God is arising with a massive move of The Holy Spirit to many places for the greatest revival and harvest in history,” he wrote. 

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  1. Pingback: Revival… in Europe! – Lee Duigon

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