Bible Reading Marathon back for fourth time

Lida Botma, left and Anna Botha

The fourth annual Bible Reading Marathon in Nelson Mandela Bay will take place from Wednesday October 27 to Sunday October 31 at Spirit Reign Ministries at 8 Frere Crescent, Van Riebeeck Heights, Uitenhage.

Last year it took participants — each reading for15 minutes — 79 hours and 50 minutes to read aloud from the start of Genesis 1 to the end of Revelation 22. Organisers are estimating that it will take about 82 hours this year with the mission accomplished before 9am on the Sunday.

English, Afrikaans and Xhosa versions of the Bible will be available for participating readers. If you are keen to be part of this experience you can book a reading slot with Illona at 0733 50 6999 or Elmarita at 072 357 2829.

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If you are wondering what it is like to participate in the Bible Reading Marathon you can get an idea from the testimonies below from some of those who took part in last year’s event which was held at the Despatch Cricket Club.

Vidette van Veijeren-

Toe ek hierdie stukkie lees (2 Konings 6), het die Here my net weereens herinner dat alhoewel dit mag lyk dat die vyand ons omring dat God se beskerming groter en sterker is as wat ons sien. 2020 is en was sovêr ‘n moeilike jaar, en ek het geweet die stukkie was iewers in die Bybel. Ek het dit gereeld gebid oor ons as gesin. Die was net ‘n bevestiging vir my, en ek was baie diep geraak die oomblik wat ek dit gelees het.

Heila Erasmus-

‘n Wonderlike ervaring om die Here op hierdie manier te dien. Sal dit beslis weer doen.

Charl & Carli Kleu

Anna Botha-

Every word written in the Bible is holy. The reading of the Word of God brings the glory of God in your situation. I love God’s Word. It is healing to my life. While reading Deuteronomy the heavy presence of God fell like a thick cloud in the hall. God has to be feared. He is a consuming fire! Thank you team ‘br’ – May God increase your anointing.

Lizé Saunders  

“ Where there is unity, God commands a blessing!”

Die teenwoordigheid van die Heilige Gees is hier teenwoordig. Ek dank God dat ek deel kon wees van die mees kragtigste Boek-lees in die heelal.

Die boek van Timoteus is ook persoonlik na aan my hart!

Ek eer God vir die voorreg! Baie dankie aan die organiseerders!

Lindsay and Elmarita Wicks

Elmarita Wicks –

Ek het die gedeelte in die Bybel gelees van die vrou en Eliah wat vir haar brood gevra het. 

Tydens die lees van die storie sê Heilige Gees vir my, “You will never be without!”

Sumari Share

Ek het net ervaar hoe die Here met my praat! Die skrif gedeelte was beslis op toepassing op my lewe.

Daar het vrede oor my gekom maar ook ‘n dringendheid van, “Verkondig My woord, raak ernstig oor die waarheid wat moet verkondig word.”.

Daar was beslis “conviction”. Was geseënd!

Ernie Anderson- 

Dit is great om te ervaar hoe die kinders van God so saamstaan om die Woord te lees en om getrou op te daag om hulle deel te doen. Saam met die Heilige Gees is alle dinge moontlik. Julle wat die reëlings getref het… Great Job God Bless

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