9pm pre-election prayer group taking off

A prayer group called “9pm Call to Prayer” which started with a WhatsApp group of 43 people committed to pray for South Africa and the upcoming elections each evening, now has 2 300 members, says founding member Andre Harrison.

“Last night alone over 200 joined the group,” he says in an email sent to Gateway News today.

Mindful of the many times God has responded when the body of Christ prays together in unity, the founding group had a burden to start a group of prayer warriors, to gather every day, being of one mind, at the same time, to pray for SA and the elections, he says.

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Explaining how the campaign works, he says: “Those in the group receive a reminder 15 minutes before, followed by three prayer items (and some verses to meditate on) at 9pm. They are encouraged to spend about five minutes on each item (in the order listed), as our vision is for Christians to be praying together in unity for the same issues at the same time, as if they were in one place together. In this case, it’s a ‘virtual place’”

Anybody who would like to join the ‘9pm Call to Prayer’ group may contact Andre at  +27 83 275 270 or email andre.harrison@umoyasoftware.com.
Whatsapp links:


  1. Well done André

  2. How wonderful. What a fabulous And I am sure God anointed idea. Thank you Andre.

  3. Dear Andre,
    Please confirm the get together prayer for tomorrow sat 27th for Mokopane, Limpopo?

  4. Terry Dancer

    Thank you for your obedience to the Lord in starting this. Well done good and faithful servant.

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