A sacred assembly — to repent and seek healing of our land

The 95 000 seater FNB Stadium, Soweto, one of the biggest soccer stadiums in the world, is the venue for a proposed sacred assembly of South African believers on November 19. (PHOTO:Tripadvisor.co.uk)

[notice]A monthly column by farmer, preacher and writer for Jesus, Angus Buchan[/notice]

AngusBuchanWe believe God has given to the believers in South Africa a commandment, a mandate, to gather together in one place, at one time, and to repent, (say sorry), so that Jesus can heal SA.

People from every walk of life are called — men, women, boys, and girls, black, white, Indian, coloured, old, and young.

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From every station in life — ministers, farmers, sportsmen, housewives, old age pensioners, school teachers, shop keepers, students, businessmen, politicians, the widow and the orphan, the unemployed, the miner, the fisherman, yes indeed — the whosoever.

We are as a nation going to petition Almighty God to intervene on behalf of His people who are in a desperate situation, fast becoming the laughing stock of the world!

Why should the nations say among themselves, where is their God? — Joel 2:17

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From the extreme north of our beloved SA, down to the Karoo, folk are asking us to pray for rain. We say, come together at the FNB Stadium in Soweto/Johannesburg, on November 19 2016 and let us repent before a Holy God and ask Him to forgive us, to heal our nation, and to deliver us from a self-destructive spirit, of violence, corruption, hatred, unforgiveness, anger and negativity.

We are all privileged to live in one of the most beautiful countries in the world, with a most warm and loving people, whom the forces of darkness, is fast decimating, we have got to draw a line in the sand, “this far devil and no further”.

But we need to put Jesus first again, to repent for allowing this nation to slip backwards, for compromising our Godly standards, to ask our loving God to visit us once more!

When we do this as a people on that Saturday afternoon, at the FNB Stadium, God says very clearly, the following will take place:
Joel 2:18-19 —
The Lord will be zealous for His Land.
He will pity His people
He will send us food
We shall be content
And Father will no longer make us a reproach among the nations.

The entrance fee is for free, (no charge), God through His obedient children will undertake.

Tickets to be collected at Computicket, on a first come first serve basis.

Please fast, pray, for this “nation changer “, because like never before we need Jesus now .

God Bless,

Angus and Jill.



  1. That is not the FNB Stadium in Soweto – sorry – please use correct pictures (surely?).

  2. I am very happy to hear of this endeavour, but I would encourage the organisers to consider seriously if this is just a show of repentance or are they serious?

    Repentance is not saying you sorry see above in the opening sentence. Repentance is a turning away from sin.

    There have been many transformations events held in the Cape in the past, a country can’t just pray it self right it has to make changes real changes to its moral behaviour. See 2 Chronicles 7:14 It speaks of turning away from sin so that God can heal the land.

    I don’t believe South Africans want to turn away from sin right now, they love their sin. They accept abortion as normal practice, it’s churches have made peace with homosexuality, idolatry especially the love of self runs rampant.

    I don’t know that we are ready yet to seek God’s forgiveness, maybe the sacred gathering could be a place to tell South Africans what is required, but a show of repentance will not resolve our countries problem

    • Brother Billy you have said it very plainly that all can understand. A great many of our shepherds have failed the flocks. GOD have mercy… Peter. (Value life.)

  3. I agree with Billy and Terry above yet I am also mindful that GOD in his unspeakable mercy will hear the cry of a remnant. He always has and always will as He does not change His mind. May the fear of the LORD become part again of those who have ears to hear. Praise God for the obedience of His servant Angus !

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