A straight line — Angus Buchan

If we look at the Word of God in the book of Luke 9:62 (NKJV) it states: “No man having put his hand to the plough and looking back is fit for the Kingdom of God.” It has become over the many, many years of farming, one of my most favorite of all memory verses.

The reason being, once you commit to anything in agriculture, whether it be beef farming, dairy farming, whether it be egg farming, chickens, pigs, wheat, maize, whatever commodity you are committed to doing, you must go for it with all of your heart. I remember going to a farmer once and his scrapyard was full of new equipment and he was steadily going under.

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Why? Because he would not persevere and he kept changing his mind and he would do one thing, and maybe there would be a dry spell, so he would stop and then he would turn to something else and then he’d have to buy a whole lot of new equipment, and he’d have to pay school fees, yes, he had to learn all the different types of disease, the different soil types etc., and you can’t carry on like that, you must put your hand to the plough, seek the Lord, find out what it is He wants you to do, and then don’t look behind you, and plough that straight line and God will give you an abundant crop.

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Every time I hesitated when I was farming, I came unstuck, he who hesitates is lost. So even as we see the rain starting to fall and the season of planting is with us, we need to go for it with all of our hearts, and remember this applies to every aspect of our lives, especially our walk with Jesus.

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Jesus bless you
Angus Buchan

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