Accurate nation building – Luphumlo Joka

A monthly column by Luphumlo Joka

Recent political developments clearly show that things will not get any easier for South Africa. There are a number of events that should be making us think long and hard about our future as a nation and the leaders we want to have post 2019.

These range from the recent court findings of the newly pronounced illegitimate ANC KZN structure that has seen the ANC vs ANC debacle continue; the ongoing apparent capture of the state, state-owned enterprises and Chapter 9 Institutions by the president and his alleged cronies; the axing of former Minister Pravin Gordham and his deputy Mcebisi Jonas; the recent Grace Mugabe saga; and the ongoing looting of state-owned resources.

My view is that things will not get any better any time soon — Isaiah clearly prophesied that thick darkness — in this case in the form of political and economic instability — will cover the earth Isaiah 60:1.

Is this not what is happening in our nation currently? Are people not losing hope in man-made political systems and man-made philosophies of democratic rule and capitalist systems?

Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma’s ANC presidential campaign is currently centred around how South Africa needs a female president to empower women and take the agenda of transformation further.

This is indicative of the many inaccuracies that exist in the mindset of our leaders. Should we be selecting leaders on the premise of gender and race or should our primary guide be competence?

On the other hand, in a wide-ranging interview on the Eusebius McKaiser show on Talk Radio 702 on Wednesday September 20  morning, former statemen Kgalema Motlante Motlanthe said whoever emerges as the new leader of the ANC in December would have the enormous task of building the state from scratch. Strong words?

I would argue that not all hope is lost; There is a more excellent way of building South Africa. These are the words that come to mind when I think about our current political landscape and the state of our parliamentary affairs.

South African leaders should be building on accurate principles that echo anti-corruption and transformation.

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These include, but are not limited to, selflessness, love for South African people, stewardship, forgiveness , patience , vision, purpose and sacrifice. It is the embodiment of these principles, all of which boil down to character, that will take this nation forward. We need credible character in leadership .

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