ACDP reports DA for false advertising

acdpdaThe ACDP has asked the Independent Electoral Council (IEC) to urgently investigate a “fear-mongering-, misleading- and disingenuous” DA advertising campaign which tells voters that a vote for a small party is a wasted vote.

The ACDP’s view is supported by political scientist Steven Friedman who says in a Facebook post that the DA’s claim is false as the municipal vote is strictly proportional so voting for another party does not split the opposition vote. Responding to an sms message from the DA, Friedman says: “It is, to put it mildly, unfortunate when parties try to gain advantage by feeding voters disinformation about the election rules.”

The ACDP calls on the DA to admit their transgressions, immediately cease this particular campaign messaging and apologise to the electorate and all other parties contesting the elections, says Grant Haskin, ACDP National Elections Manager, and Media and Communications Director.

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The DA is using an sms campaign, speeches and adverts on radio and TV around the country, to make its false claim, creating fear in voters that their votes for other parties will cause the African National Congress (ANC) to win control of their municipalities, and therefore that only a vote for the DA will ensure this does not happen, says the ACDP.

It says it believes that the DA is transgressing the Electoral Act in the following respects:

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1. Section 89.2(b): “no person may publish false information with the intention of creating hostility or fear in order to influence the outcome of an election,” and

2. Section 99.2 (c) of the Electoral Code of Conduct: “every registered party must promote and support efforts in terms of this act to educate voters.”

The ACDP statement continues: “In our respectful view the purpose of feeding voters disinformation about the electoral system and rules, is to influence the outcome of the election in their favour only, and to the detriment of every other contesting political party, the rights of the electorate, the entire electoral system and rules, and the Constitution of South Africa.

“According to South Africa’s Constitution, Chapter 1: Founding Provisions: “The Republic of South Africa is founded on the following values: Section 1.(d)… a multi-party system of democratic government, to ensure accountability, responsiveness and openness.”

“We believe it is for this reason that the Constitution requires an electoral system that results, in general, in proportional representation. In fact, in relation to these Local Government Elections on 03 August 2016, the election of members to all Municipal Councils must be in accordance with national legislation which must prescribe a system of proportional representation (Section. 157).

“The ACDP further believes that neither a one nor a two party state (quite the opposite of a multi-party system of democratic government) would be in the interest of a diverse electorate where we each have a right to be heard and represented in government by the political party of our choice. The DA advertisements are therefore misleading to the extent that they undermine South Africa’s multi-party system of democratic government; to the extent that they do not recognise the diversity of the people of South Africa united in our diversity, and to the extent that they seek to undermine the proportional representation electoral system required for the achievement thereof.

Haskin says the ACDP will wait until it receives a response from the IEC before it considers possible further action, such as laying a complaint with the South African Police Service.

In a recent article, ACDP MP Cheryllyn Dudley writes that a high level party decision has been taken that the ACDP will cooperate with the DA if they need the numbers to make a majority.

She writes: “A vote for the ACDP will not be a vote against the DA. A vote for the ACDP at this election will actually ensure ‘a better DA’  in that they will have to at least consider an ACDP perspective on issues when taking decisions where they will need the numbers.”


  1. It has always been my stance that The DA compromises….this is a personal opinion….it is therefore that I vote according to my conscience and that is for the ACDP who unashamedly stand for God’s Biblical principles in society….so in essence….I vote for God and as such ….I do not put my faith in a worldly political party on election day and go to Church on Sundays

  2. Sonia Odendaal

    Very informative! Thank you, because I nearly swallowed this misrepresentation by the DA hook, line and sinker!

  3. Hugh G Wetmore

    The ACDP is right. Also, on 21.7.2016 SABC TV News reported President Jacob Zuma saying the same thing as he canvassed for the ANC: “A vote for a smaller party is a wasted vote”. This misinformation must stop. The ACDP must also lay a charge against Zuma and the ANC, as well as against the DA.

    Furthermore, the DA, ANC propaganda is deceptive for the additional reason that a Democracy needs an Opposition, in order to dilute the power of a potential dictator-party, and to hold the ruling party accountable.

    We must do heavy voter-education re Democracy, such as we did pre-1994. (The Evangelical Fellowhip of SA distributed thousands of booklets for Pastors to “Prepare your People to Vote”) Each generation needs re-education. There is so much disinformation out there. Propaganda. Like “Vote for ANC or you will lose your social grant”. The line between Party and State is blurred.

  4. I am a reborn Christian. Does the DA, ANC, EFF or any party stand against abortions? If the answer is no, than I cannot vote for them because they all have blood on their hands, just because of humans rights and I am just as guilty with blood on my hands as the party that I voted for. I really think the ACDP is the only party with Biblical views. The Bible is the only truth, anything that does not agree with the bible is incorrect, not the Bible.

    • Standing up unashamedly for your conscience is admirable. The ACDP, FF Plus and I think the ACP are the only parties who come out directly against abortions. Blessings and if only more people had the courage to make a stand

  5. I challenge the ACDP to make it known on SABC tv and not use media that is know to a few. Stand up,that’s why you perform so poorly.

  6. Please would someone from the ACDP clarify a few things for me. I am a Christian who would like to vote for a party with the most similar values to mine. I have discovered that the DA stands for freedom of choice for abortions and they support homosexual marriage. As well as this, it has come to light that the DA are elitist and in favour of the wealthy. The DA have been extremely busy with gentrification, evicting the poor from the inner suburbs to the outskirts of the city, in instances too many to mention. The bible is clear about God’s love for the poor and about amassing wealth. How can the ACDP align themselves with the DA in the light of these issues? How can we, as Christians, vote for the ACDP knowing they would co-govern with the DA?

  7. Joanne. When the ACDP is king maker (as it has been before) it is required to co-govern with one of the 2 bigger parties (ordinarily the ANC or DA). There’s generally no option to “opt out” and there’s certainly no ‘alignment with the DA. The ACDP’S policies are not affected being in such a situation. Would u rather the ACDP co-governs with the ANC?
    In the case where the ACDP wins outright then there’s no problem.
    The ACDP simply cannot elect the ANC back into government when the electorate has shifted their votes elsewhere and when they’ve made so many unbiblical policy decisions as they have.
    The DA is hardly better, however.
    Read Cheryllyn Dudley’s article via the link in this article for more. Bottom line is if Christians don’t want us to co-govern with the ANC or the DA or the EFF then ensure we don’t need them to form the government by voting for the ACDP.

    • Bonginkosi Chiya

      Thank you Grant that gives me peace, ACDP is really the only voice for all of us that does not waiver in our faith in God. Keep on doing this wonderful job you have been doing since 1994,all the best for this Local Government elections. You are Blessed beyond measure!!!

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