Action call to Van Stadens bridge prayer warriors

Christians wishing to participate in the upcoming prayer warfare exercise against suicide jumps off Van Stadens Bridge, west of Port Elizabeth, should register now in order to undergo training for the event on Saturday, November 24, says Pastor Geert Jansingh.

He also urged as many people as possible to participate in and intercession/prayer hour every Monday evening from 18h00 to 19h00 at 1 Aster Street, Sunridge Park on the corner with Kragga Kamma Road, next to the Sunridge Village shopping centre.

“Prayer is urgently needed to find favour and to start changing the spiritual atmosphere,” says Jansingh.

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The organisers are busy with the legal and logistical arrangements for executing the vision of bussing teams of shofar blowers, tambourine players, flag wavers and intercessors to the bridge and positioning them on the bridge for half an hour of intensive spiritual warfare against the spiritual force involved in 84 suicides since 1971.

Participants can register by emailing or by calling 084 9193016.

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One Comment

  1. I would like to be with you guys in P E to do the training, but I know nothing stops me to do Spiritual warfare praying and fasting in our town of Komatipoort with a few friends that feel the same way Shalom

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