‘Africa Arise to your Destiny’ — book preview

The front cover of ‘Africa Arise to Destiny’ and author Jannie Compion and his wife Elise

Zambia-based author and Africa director of the Foundation for Cross Cultural Education Jannie Compion has written a book that documents and dreams about what God has done and still wants to do through His people in Africa arising to their destiny. He explains more in the introduction to Africa Arise to Destiny which you can read below. Click here to order the book

This book was not initiated with an idea to write, but rather, it sprang from an expectancy and a desire, grown over the past 30 years, that Africa would mature into the pure destiny of its Creator: for the African people to become a Light in a dark world. The book has slowly grown in my heart – from years of visiting many African countries, meeting many of God’s people and the reality of being exposed to the many needs in North, East, Central and Southern Africa (I’m still looking forward to being exposed to what God is doing in West Africa). 

Every statistic and index in the world states that Sub-Saharan Africa (or the people beyond the rivers of Ethiopia) are in difficulty/trouble/danger etc. Yes, and we cannot reason with the statistics, only with the instruments that are being used. I hope that this book will share a glimpse into things that cannot be measured by indices, or are rarely heard of in the mass media.

Africa is a simple place, with so much beauty reflected in that simplicity.

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So then, how does one measure Hope in Africa? It is when you have seen: 

  • A five-year-old walk 12 km to pre-school every day, wearing ragged clothes but a joyful smile.  
  • A grade 10 child working hard after school and during holidays, just to pay his own school fees.
  •  A village woman slaughtering her last chicken for a visitor… without fear, only joy.
  •  A man standing up in a bus to pray to a Living God for protection on the trip and have everyone on the bus agree with a loud ‘Amen!’
  • A grandmother of 85 years looking after six children as their sole life support.

On the indices and statistics of the kingdom of God, this is a high score all the way… we are ‘developed and rich’ people! The weak shall be strong! The poor in spirit will see God. Maybe we might just be surprised by God in the years to come.

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I have a desire that this book will communicate Hope and Destiny to us all. I’m not turning my eyes blindly from the many wrongs and evil on our continent; I just choose to look at Africa from Christ’s life-giving perspective. Not where we are now only, but also at the amazing transformation that has already happened over the last 150 years. Oh, what we can become if I believe, and you believe, for the Holy Spirit to visit Africa once again!

Who will appreciate this book? I believe that this book should target the 100 million African evangelical believers who might value its message… a message that I should like to convey in straightforward and simple language: 

Africa, Arise to your Destiny! 

‘Arise’ means that we come to the Light, get up, and bring Him an offering of obedience through a broken and contrite heart. (Ps 51:17)

‘Destiny’ is written in a capital letter because we are predestined, according to His purposes and calling, to receive our Divine inheritance. We need to walk in the work God has prepared before the foundation of the Earth. He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, and above all we could ever ask or think… therefore we can take action as believers to cast off the works of darkness. 

This ‘action’ is in line with a new season and new Word for Sub-Saharan Africa today: A harvest is coming, with a thrust to make disciples… through you!

The first chapter of this book starts by explaining who the ‘worshippers beyond the rivers of Ethiopia’ are, and what choices they should make to carry Jesus’ Cross again. By definition, we are not discussing worship in song, but rather a total reflection of His Lordship in a life of devotion to Christ in everything we do. The first chapter ends with some of the redemptive purposes for particular nations in the season to come. We believe that this is His Word for a time such as this. We believe that each believer in Africa needs to find His ‘Kingdom destiny’ very clearly, so that they will not be tossed around by the many voices that become louder as people feel more insecure and sin increases. We look again to ‘His story’ of love for the people of Africa and see a summary of what has happened over the last 6000 years. A story of Hope… and rebellion. 

In the next two chapters we examine details about the intervention or intercession of God’s grace and mercy, especially over the last 150 years. These penetrating acts of faith brought a revolutionary change. Seeds were sown all over the continent becoming ‘builders of Hope’ for the age to come – seeds which articulated thankfulness to a God who is sovereign over all the nations. 

This part is followed by a study of some African pioneers of Destiny, who followed in the footsteps of Christ. They walked in the midst of darkness, but in faithfulness to the Light. Their lives are such an inspiration to our generation for bringing Him the offering that He deserves. Up to this point in the book, we took a look at what happened in history… but now the focus of the book also turns our eyes towards the future and the responsibility that we have as evangelical believers. Yes, a responsibility to arise! 

First of all, we arise as people who have received the gift of Jubilee, to pass it on to our families, churches and governments. This includes the mandate to be faithful with our land – from Cape Town to Jerusalem – on His Highway of Holiness.

Secondly, we arise as watchmen who will cry out to the Church in every African nation, that it should be awakened to prepare a way for our Lord – the eyes of every believer firmly fixed on our King of Glory – to finish the harvest which stands ready in the Gentile world. Soon, it will also become ready in Israel. 

Thirdly, we arise to pray for the restoration of the former Kingdom foundations that shone so brightly in the past. We commit to build up the foundations of this as well as future generations. For that to happen, our Lord needs our undivided hearts and commitment – hearts that will declare His Destiny.

Fourthly, we acknowledge that Destiny starts with the hearts of men in relation to God, men who bring Him an offering of obedience.

Last of all, we arise to express our Destiny to allow Jesus Christ to make disciples through us…. only then can Africa rise up as Light to the world.

Enjoy the read!

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One Comment

  1. A Question.
    Is your book available in the UK. I see on the link it is priced in Dollars.

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