Africa set to be global centre of Christianity for next 50 years

Originally published in Quartz Africa

There are already more Christians in Africa than any other continent — that’s not going to change soon

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By 2060 six of the countries with the top 10 largest Christian populations will be in Africa, up from three in 2015, according to a new Pew Research Center report. The projections are in line with the gradual shift that has increasingly seen Christian populations live outside the historical cultural centres of the religion.

The size of the Christian population in Nigeria alone — already the largest on the continent — is projected to double by 2060. In addition, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya are projected to join the list of countries with the top 10 largest Christian populations, replacing Russia, Germany and China.

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In total, the Christian population in the six African countries on the list alone will account for just under a quarter of the projected global Christian population of three billion people.

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The upsurge in the African Christian population matches general population growth projections; while around 2.2 billion people could be added to the global population by 2050, more than half of that growth will occur in Africa.

Meanwhile, the decline of Christian population in Europe is especially notable in Britain where, last year, a survey showed “an unrelenting decline in Church of England and Church of Scotland” numbers. Only 14% of Britons identified as members of the Church of England—a record low. Similarly, Church of Scotland numbers dropped to 18% from 31% in 2002.


  1. Unfortunately this article is inaccurate for Britain as it only counts Christians in Churches of England and Scotland. They are the minority. But to me, G Britain is still a mission-field, even more than Africa where almost everyone goes to evangelise.
    Also, I think South Africa has an enormous number of Christians. Let’s pray that SA and other African countries become the greatest mission-sending countries in the world, with the wealthiest nations supporting them until their own lands can. Well, by 2060, only God knows what will happen.

  2. Actually some research has under 5% as the Christian population stat do UK. A drift towards eastern religions and the occult had be discerned in the UK.Very sad. . .a real cause for prayer.

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