African Enterprise global evangelists in Cape Town, Knysna

Evangelists Stephen Lungu and Michael Cassidy.
Evangelists Stephen Lungu and Michael Cassidy.

Zimbabwean born Stephen Lungu whose amazing transformation from street kid, to gang leader to global evangelist is documented in a best selling book, will be speaking at a series of meetings in Cape Town and Knysna from tomorrow (Thursday, July 31, 2014).

African Enterprise (AE) founder and evangelist Michael Cassidy will partner Lungu during four days of ministry at Church on the Main, Kenilworth, Cape Town from tomorrow until Sunday.

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Lungu, who recently retired as CEO of AE International has been brought to SA by AE for a period of ministry. He will be addressing public meetings hosted by Knysna Baptist Church in Kynsna under the theme ‘Piercing the Darkness’ from Thursday August 7 to August 10.

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Born in 1942, rejected by his family at age 4, Lungu grew to become the leader of a vicious gang involved in the freedom struggle in Zimbabwe. Bitter against Christians, intending to kill those involved in a gospel outreach one night, he was smitten by God, and started an amazing walk that led to the halls of power around Africa and the world, and appointment as CEO of AE International. He and his wife Rachel have been living humbly in Malawi, ministering to prostitutes, in between his global ministry.

Lungu’s life story ‘Out of the Black Shadows has sold well over a million copies and was chosen by Universal Studios for a movie. But he turned down the script, because it was not true to a critical part of his life — and he has had no profit at all from book sales.

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The Cape Town ministry programme at Church on the Main, 3 Millbank Rd, Kenilworth is:

Thursday, July 31 at 19h00: Invitation to Doubters. (Obstacles and Steppingstones to Faith.)
Stephen Lungu will speak on Obstacles for Black People in South Africa.
Michael Cassidy will speak on Perspectives for White Westerners in Neo-pagan, post-Christian culture.

Friday, August 1, 09h00-12h00: Pastors Breakfast and Mini-Conference
Session 1: Understanding the Times and Knowing What We Ought to Do (cf. Men of Issachar – 1 Chron 12:32).
Session 2: Glad I Did, Wish I Had, Hope I Will. (A Reflection on our Missionary journeys.)

Friday, August 1, 19h00-21h00: Public Meeting. Cassidy and Lungu share their stories: The Older Brother and the Prodigal, The Pharisee and the Sinner, and The Churchman and the Terrorist .

Saturday, August 2, 10h00-12h00: Training for Evangelism Workshop.
Session 1: The Nature, Message and Call of Evangelism. (NB: 1Cor 1:21)
Session 2: Personal Evangelism – How to Lead Someone to Christ – (The Challenge of Christian Witness for Ordinary People in the Marketplace).

Sunday, August 3, 09h30: Sermon on The Two Main Gifts of the Gospel (Forgiveness, and the Gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38).
Sunday, August 3, 18h30: Sermon on The Advantage of Christian Living Under the Full Lordship of Christ (Phil 2: 9-10).

More information is available on or by emailing or calling 021 762 2070.

Pastor Malcolm Cunningham, chairing the arrangements for Lungu’s ‘Piercing the Darkness’ meetings in Knysna says he has been gratified by the interest shown by churches and urges all who can to attend what promise to be landmark meetings. The programme is:

Thursday (morning), August 7: Pastors’ Conference at Knysna Baptist Church addressing three themes
Partners of Light — Essentials when partnering with other churches in evangelism. When, how, and why should we partner with other Christians in evangelism?
Cultures of Light — Navigating cross-cultural evangelism partnerships. Black, Coloured, White: we’re all so different! How do we encourage effective, efficient, sustainable partnerships across the culture and race lines? What do the whites, coloureds and blacks need to know about each other?
The Shadows that Threaten — Identifying contemporary battles to be fought. What are the present enemies of effective evangelistic partnerships: shallowness, syncretism, illiteracy, elitism, universalism, liberalism, evolution, Islam, prosperity preaching, contempt and more.

Thursday, August 7, from 19h00: Free public meeting at the Knysna Primary School. In an address called ‘From a Street Kid’ Lungu will share about the stunning way in which God has moved in his life.

Friday, August 8 at 08h30: Business breakfast at the Cruise Café where Lungu will share on South Africa – Hope in the World Crisis. The charge is R90.

Sunday, August 10 at 09h30: Lungu will be preaching at Knysna Baptist Church.
Sunday, August 10 at 06h00: He will preach at the Vineyard Church.

More information and booking details can be obtained by emailing or calling Malcolm Cunningham at 071 702 1331.

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