Afrika Mhlope — A Passion for Position: Book review

Book Review by Michael Cassidy

It is astonishing to me that a leadership book of this depth and significance can come from the pen of a relatively young leader. The fact is it reveals a depth of maturity and insight which would be rare even in a leader who had been multiple decades in Christian ministry. Beyond that, Afrika Mhlope’s book, A Passion for Position, reveals an extraordinary breadth of reading which adds even greater depth, richness and authority to what he is saying.

This is such a high calibre volume that I dearly wish someone could fund 200 complimentary copies to go to each of South Africa’s main church or para-church leaders, as well as heads of seminaries and bible-colleges. This could help give it the flying start that it deserves and open the way for it to have the wide influence that it demands.

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It is also a worthy Christmas gift for Christians to give their friends and pastors.

What is so striking in this volume is the deeply prophetic challenge to all Christian leaders to be the real thing and seek after godly character, moral probity, profound integrity and true spiritual motivation into humble servant-leadership before they ever dwell on whether their positions make them important or not.

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Mhlope deeply challenges us away from everything phoney which can so easily seduce us into self-importance and the lust for worldly recognition.

I honestly feel this book should be made required reading in all seminaries, bible-schools, and congregational discipleship courses, because if these began pouring out leaders marked by what Mhlope calls for, we would see a spiritual revolution in the life of the church in South Africa.

I also want to commend the lay-out of the volume whose light on the pages, paragraph headlines and chapter summaries make for easy reading and thorough comprehension.

This is a must-read for South African Christian leaders at this critical time in our nation’s life, when without a powerful new witness from the church, our nation is doomed to perdition.

So, bravo, Afrika Mhlope. You are putting a bomb under our seats.


  1. i heard him on TBN. this is thought provoking for all leaders. to put it this way. To be more like Jesus not Pharisees

  2. Sooo well done and on point Afrika ! At such a time in our country . Leaders in Govenment and the Church being exposed – we really need be real and make the adjustments ! Have mercy Lord and give us strength to lead like Jesus !

  3. Wellington Shongwe

    Where can I get a copy of the book Passion for position in Piet Retief

  4. Available from most of the leading retailers including CUM Bookshops, and online retailers like and CUM online.

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