Amazing testimonies from Kentucky revival event in Asbury’s Aftermath

Originally published in CBN News

The flames of the Asbury Awakening continue to burn as more amazing testimonies surface from the quickly organized worship service that was held Sunday at Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky.  

As CBN News reported Monday, Christian evangelist Nick Hall along with a group of Bible-believing pastors and ministry leaders from across the nation, took action and booked the arena. 

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Hall said thousands of people came and went during the nine-hour service. He also reported 50,000 additional people watched the event online. 

During the low-key worship service, students from Asbury University, Lee University, Oral Roberts University, Minneapolis, South Carolina, and Wisconsin, testified of the revivals breaking out on their campuses and inside their organizations. They encouraged one another to keep seeking God with all their hearts. 

Several young people from the audience also shared their life verses from the Bible, reading them aloud to the entire arena. 

“I am forever undone by this week. I will never be the same,” Hall said after the event. “So many were saved last night. There were so many miracles. A man came in a wheelchair who hadn’t walked in two years and danced on the platform. I don’t even have a paradigm for what the heck is happening!” 

“Two students who were going to commit suicide radically encountered Jesus,” he reported.  “A security worker came to Jesus.”

While God has been pouring out His Spirit in multiple locations across the country, one goal of the Rupp event was to commission Gen Z and Millennial Christians to spread the Gospel and bring the power of revival to even more schools, churches, and communities. 

“This event is all about Jesus. I believe he’s drawing the nations to repentance, healing his Church so we can go out with his love before his return. He is coming soon,” said Hall, president of

Lee University Reports More Testimonies and a Baptism
Meanwhile, Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee is still experiencing an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  Students who confessed Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior were baptized Tuesday night. 

Dr. Malachi O’Brien tweeted, “The baptism service last night was powerful! One by one, students came forward to testify about God’s amazing love. They shared stories of healing, forgiveness, reconciliation, and grace. The Holy Spirit is moving mightily in the lives of our students and Lee University family. We are seeking Him, and because of that…God is showing up.”

He also shared the words of one Lee student: “This move isn’t just for us. It’s for anyone who wants more of God.”

O’Brien also shared Acts 2:17 which reads: “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”

Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way

Joshua Harp, who studies at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, recently shared a Facebook post about how revival was occurring at Union College in Barbourville, Kentucky.  But the students there were told they could not worship in the school’s chapel, on the lawn, or on the campus. So, they worshipped God in the street.

“Students at Union who want to worship the Lord are told they can’t use the chapel, they can’t use the lawn, they can’t worship on campus but they move into the road. Love seeing people pursuing the Lord and worshipping Him,” Harp wrote. 

“Isaiah 43:19 — ‘Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.’  Our God can make rivers in the desert (and apparently get roads closed in front of college campuses),'” he added. 

More Signs of Revival at Texas A&M in Corpus Christi

And the passionate pursuit of God is still ongoing among students at Texas A&M in Corpus Christi. Check out these scenes of revival.

Last week there were multiple baptisms in a local water fountain there in Corpus Christi, and now the baptisms are continuing:

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