Angus Buchan hosting online global Mighty Men on May 23

Farmer evangelist Angus Buchan will be hosting a global Mighty Men video gathering online at from 11am on Saturday May 23.

During the global MMC Buchan will share live from his prayer room on his KwaZulu-Natal farm, Shalom, where the Mighty Men movement started and there will be messages from leaders of past MMC meetings around South Africa, Southern Africa and the world.

The expected large global audience will also get to see clips from the early MMC meetings at Shalom as well as other MMC highlights. After hosting MMC events for seven years on his farm, Buchan passed the baton to his spiritual sons who have hosted MMCs all over SA. Buchan has also spoken at MMC events in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Brazil, Australia and Southern Africa (Botswana, Namibia and Zambia).

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Two MMC events, the Maluti Mighty Men and the Bushveld Mighty Men, which were scheduled for April this year, were cancelled because of the lockdown. Twelve days before the Covid-19 lockdown was implemented in SA on March 27, Buchan addressed the most recent MMC in the country — the Mighty Men Eastern Cape at Jeffreys Bay.

More information about the MMC 2020 Global on May 23 will be published on the Angus Buchan Facebook page.

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  1. Dave Celliers

    We are all totally behind and in support of this event on the 23 May 2020. Can’t wait.
    Keep up the good work Andre

  2. Chief Justice MM declared in a 3 hr meeting in the SA Parliament – old House of Assembly ..on a Fri in March 2016,that I was privileged to attend…”I will be like Esther ..’ And if I perish,I perish’!”…he explained he was determined to do what he had to do for the future of SA. MM IS a MIGHTY MAN…..where are the other so called “mighty men “in SA??? Years of attending annual camp meetings…are WE healing the sick …raising the dead..casting out demons… praying …prophesying…..NO!!( not MY calling brother…!!!!)….FAITH WITH works….time to get REAL in SA…..

    • Johann Jacobs

      I agree ! Amen ! It is time to stand up for righteousness. Stand for the Word and God’s commandments. Time to stop fearing man and obeying and following Christ Jesus, our Head. We are in a crucial time for the Church. God is sifting the Church. The Fire is burning all the man-made religious systems to the ground. “This is that …”. We are entering the greatest revival and awakening ever. We have to go out, preach the Good News with signs and wonders . Greater works !

  3. Uncle Angus has had a greater impact on this Nation than we shall ever know. I have met so many men whose lives have been changed through attending his camps. The greatest miracle of all is that they are born again. I have also had the privilege of seeing many men and women praying for the sick and seeing them healed. May we as the church pray for this time that men are impacted with the truth globally and their lives changed. As we know , as one man is changed. … so is his family.

  4. Hi all I have been on 3 conferences and I must admit that my life was influenced by what was preached on those conferences my son and i have gained a special relationship with one another and I will encourage others to attend

  5. Graham thomson

    Need to be able to put this on email to Breajfast for Blokes. Please advise how.

  6. Louis Grobler

    Tanzania is so ready for a revival! We need the mighty men to stand up and be counted! Our president sets the example of God first then earthly consultation

  7. Barry Rossouw

    As Johann Rupert noted, “this is not a pause, but a reset” and thus time has motivated me to relook my priorities and move closer to our Lord and Saviour. My prayer is: Lord Jesus. Firstly, please let the technology work so that all who log in will be blessed with Your Word. Father, strengthen Your children, encourage them and speak to them as never before. Lord Jesus, there are so many people that need You as Lord and Saviour, soften their hearts and bring them to the place where they overcome their pride and reach out to you, we are trusting You for one million souls. Empower brother Angus with Your strength like the wings of eagles, put the perfect words on His tongue, thank You Lord Jesus, blessed be the Name of the Lord. Amen.

  8. Uncle Angus- I look forward to seeing you again, I was there for 3MMC, and was at the last one in 2010, God Bless, please no press ups again ! May God Speak to the Men and their families !

  9. Marlane Lorenzo

    Will Mighty Men be shown on TV on 23 May 2020 at 11.00am? If so which channel?

  10. I want to be part please to watch

  11. Liz Pretorius

    Will the conference be broadcast on link fm as well

  12. Hi Andre, will this event be available to view later too? Would like to view it with whole family when they are together tomorrow .

  13. Joan Southey

    We want to watch on TV or listen on Radio…..Where can we tune in….We do not have data for the Internet….Please let us know…..
    Or will there be a replay on the internet…which Channel…???

  14. Adriaan Haman

    We forwarded your gateway news notice Angus Buchan Global for Sat 23/5 @ 11am.
    Why did you not advise (in your notice) if interested, to go to – not sure if we have to register before we able to connect?
    Having forwarded to 20+ Christian’s, all are confused how to access at 11h00.
    People will attempt to access via Gateway, Faith channel 343 , SABC etc ???

    • You apparently didn’t read the last paragraph:

      More information about the MMC 2020 Global on May 23 will be published on the Angus Buchan Facebook page.

      And the banner with more info.

  15. Please inform me if the Mighty Man Conference will be broadcasted on TV, also please give us what channel will be used

    • See info from

      You can watch the broadcast here on this website, or on one the channels below. We will be broadcasting LIVE on Youtube, Facebook, TruthTV and Faith TV as well as Radio Pulpit and Groot FM.

  16. Live screening will be on Internet only — See

    I expect it will also be available for viewing later on Youtube, etc.

    • CORRECTION: see info from

      You can watch the broadcast here on this website, or on one the channels below. We will be broadcasting LIVE on Youtube, Facebook, TruthTV and Faith TV as well as Radio Pulpit and Groot FM.

  17. Watched from Clarksville, Tennessee, USA
    Have been to five meetings in Tennessee with Angus. May God continue to use him and bless him.

  18. Cynthia Louw

    Can Angus Buchan’s MMC of 23/5/2020 be repeated on Chanel 341 or wherever on TV please. I let many know but there are some people that could not watch it today – please ???

  19. Bertram Goldstone

    Hi Uncle Angus

    Thank you so much for that powerful message, It has given me the chance to take stock of my life and the life that I want for my family ,Thank you so much for your hard truths .
    May god continue to bless you

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