Another Gosnell? Photographic evidence reveals abortion atrocities in Texas

Originally published in Charisma News

Just days after a Philadelphia jury found abortionist Kermit Gosnell guilty of the murder of three newborn children and the negligent death of a patient, evidence of similar atrocities has surfaced in Houston.

The Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) President Marjorie Dannenfelser implores the media to cover the story of abortionist Douglas Karpen and the evidence, including photographs, brought forward by three of his former employees.

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“Gosnell’s ‘House of Horrors’ woke up many Americans to the inhumanity of the late-term abortion industry. Here is, arguably, more disturbing evidence,” Dannenfelser says. “With hearts broken for these suffering children, we ask the media to overcome the understandable recoil from this brutality and report the horrific facts of this case. The testimony and the photos are very, very difficult to take in, but this is a conversation that we must have as a nation. What are we as a society willing to tolerate?

“These former employees describe hellish scenes in which Douglas Karpen killed children beyond 20 weeks gestation,” she continues. “Compassion must lead us to draw a line—to decide where we step in to protect the rights of the most vulnerable. Congress must take immediate action to address the brutality and lawlessness of the late-term abortion industry and protect women and babies suffering across the country.

“These former employees have courageously stepped forward to expose the inhumanity of late-term abortion. So many former employees have testified that, while they join the abortion industry with the intent of helping women, they discover it is a place only of violence and greed. The reality is that abortion is a gruesome, painful procedure that ends the lives of children and wounds women,” Dannenfelser concludes.

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The SBA List has compiled an initial fact sheet on abortion industry negligence and brutality occurring nationwide. It has been updated to reflect recent incidents in North Carolina, Michigan and Texas.

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