Appeal to sign right-to-life petition

Download petition.

An appeal has been sent out to Churches and Christians to sign a petition requesting the South African government to amend the Abortion Act (which has resulted in the killing of 1.3 million South Africans since 1997) to reflect the right to life guaranteed in the Constitution of all persons, including the pre-born.

Eight people from several pro-life ministries who have joined forces to walk 500km from Beaufort West to Cape Town from January 20 to February 1, will carry the petition during their Walk for Life which will end with the handing in of the petitions at Parliament on February 1.

“Abortion on demand will be 19 years in our country in February 2016. We can put a stop to this because God is on our side,” says Collette Thomas of Human Life International (SA) in an email requesting people to make and distribute copies of the petition which can be downloaded here.

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“Once you have completed a sheet of petition scan and send to my email [],” she says.

All the petitions need to be in and scanned by January, 31, 2016.


  1. The unborn also have a right to live, in our constitution,we need to protect those rghts as well.

  2. Barenda Coetzee

    No baby should be killed in cold blood. Unborn babies die without having a choice. Is this what love is? Contraceptives can prevent unwanted children. Many people will answer before God one day. No good blaming the government then.

  3. Assie Van der Westhuizen

    Wish the petition was in electronic format – without printer at the moment.

  4. What is sad is that the original group of 8 could not attract other Christians to join the group. The bible tells us that God gives life not us or the government.
    see Proverbs 14:12.

    May I suggest a read of John Bevere book ‘GOOD or GOD’ one may then discern our Lords teaching ‘ that no one is good but One, that is ,God.’ Mark 10:18. Perhaps we may be enlighten as to why we idolize what WE see as good and not what GOD sees as good, like our idolizing the human face of a great man on our currency (money) who played a key role in taking human rights away from babies in the womb. (age discrimination.)

    By Gods Grace may I see some of you next year when we ask the Lord to lead us from Pretoria to Cape Town. God bless.
    Peter Throp. VALUE LIFE.

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