Aquila Travelling Bible Project ready to soar like eagle — Advertorial

ISAIAH 40:13 – “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

What a wonderful verse, and particularly relevant here is “They will soar on wings like eagles.” Yes, believers soaring on wings like eagles, but in this case Bibles as well.

How so? Well, one thousand Afrikaans Bibles are going to be – and in some cases already are – soaring on wings like eagles in a fun and innovative way.

It’s all part of the Aquila Travelling Bible Project, the idea behind it being for individuals to receive a Bible, keep it for a month, and then ‘depart’ it on to its ‘next mission’.

This mission trip lasts seven years in total.

While you have the Bible, you are encouraged to make notes in it, underline verses that you feel might be helpful or inspirational, point out the Word’s richness, whatever you are led to do, and then – after writing your name in a designated spot at the back of the Bible – sending it on to the next person.

Mumtaaz Jordaan at East London Aiport with her Aquila Travelling Bible.

You donate R150 a month for 12 months (or longer) or make a once-off payment of R1800 or more for the Bible for the year, and after one month the Bible travels to a next person and wings its way around the country and maybe further afield to 12 different people each year. ‘Bible Carriers’ do not have to purchase an Aquila Bible but can request a Bible via the Aquila Website (

“Not only is this a way of encouraging people to read the Bible, and help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, but the money raised goes to various public organisations dedicated to uplifting and up-skilling people in distress or provide food or clothing to those living on the streets,” says Olive Media’s Tina Burger from Cape Town, who manages
the administration, marketing and PR of the project.

“One of the organisations who benefited from the donation received thus far, for instance, is Straatlig (part of Stellemthombo), a safe haven for those living in poverty in Stellenbosch.”

Ready to take full flight
Tina explains the project was initiated a few years back but it is only now that the initiative is ready to take full flight. “It’s ignited, the fire has been lit and we’re going for it,” she says, adding that the goal is for each Bible to travel around for seven years, changing hands 84 times (seven times 12 making 84, and seven being a key number in scripture) with 84 names of month-long owners in it, and then being returned, well-used, to Aquila in Stellenbosch.

You could perhaps compare this to networking about the Good News on a grand scale with other believers and also non-believers as there’s no rule that these Bibles need to be sent only to Christians.

Aquila Bible reaches Bloubergstrand.

“We also plan to use some of the money raised to print Bibles in English as we want to grow the project in this country and elsewhere,” says Tina enthusiastically, explaining that each Bible will be placed in a travel case, along with a set of instructions.

“And you will be able to track on our website exactly where the Bible is at any given time so it will be interesting to see its journey.”

Each Bible Carrier (person who has the Bible for a month) also receives a certificate from Aquila stating that they are an official Aquila Travelling Bible Carrier.

The aims of the Aquila Travelling Bible Project:

– An interdenominational social network
– Undertaken by Christians who worship the triune God
– Testimony of the power of the Living Word
– Financial and other aid to alleviate a broad spectrum of need
– Active participation in the distribution of material and spiritual blessing
– The application of modern technology in addition to personal contact
– A missions-journey of 1 000 Bibles (and more to come) for seven years throughout the entire world

How can I become part of this?

You can take hands with us by simply going to our website ( and request a Bible. Alternatively, you can fill out the attached Sign Up form, scan it in and send it back to us or WhatsApp it to us on Tel. 072 907 3899.

How about advertising and getting involved?

As we are still getting this project off the ground we are in need of any free publicity (as we are a non-profit organisation) surrounding
this project. We’d appreciate any form of free advertising whether it
is a newspaper or magazine advertisement, a radio interview with the
Trustees, a Social Media Post or a TV interview. Please let us know if
you can help with this! People can also share our content on our
Facebook and Instagram pages (@aquilabibles) For those wanting to get
involved in the project can contact Aquila directly.

Click to join movement

We hope that you will take hands with us and give flight to God’s Word
and be a blessing to others! We look forward to hearing
back from you soon.

Sincere Regards,
The Aquila Bible Trustees
Tel. +27 72 907 3899
E: /

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