Are you called as a prophet? — Marian Fitz-Gibbon

As the people of God, we have all been called to prophesy. But what does this really mean and how does this work? How do we make sure that we are representing the heart of Father God?

Prophecy is hearing and doing what Father God says. More than ever before, the Church today needs to understand what New Testament prophecy is and realise the responsibility of prophecy on and in the Church. We have also been called, by God, to prophesy and to be His voice in this age in every sphere of society.

Paul the Apostle writes very clearly in 1 Corinthians 12.4 — “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons. But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, and to another the word of knowledge according to the same Spirit; and to another the working of miracles, and to another prophecy, and to another the distinguishing of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, and to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills.”

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The gifts of the Holy Spirit are to be earnestly desired. Moving, then, to 1 Corinthians 14.1 Paul writes: “Pursue love, yet desire earnestly desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. For one who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God; for no one understands, but in his spirit he speaks mysteries. But one who prophesies speaks to men for edification and exhortation and consolation.”

In essence – prophecy is a gift – not an award. You cannot earn it; you get it by asking for it. It’s got a very clear purpose of building up (edifying); calling near (exhorting) and cheering up (consoling) the church. All these aspects are positive and life-bringing. Imagine looking at people as diamonds rather than coal! The light reflectors of Jesus! I love what was once written: “God’s estimation of His people. In His own words God tells us the people of Israel were to Him as valuable rare gem stones set in gold. They were precious to Him; important and beautiful in His sight. And scripture wouldn’t be violated if we applied same words to all of the children of God. We are His jewels, peculiar people, trophies of His grace.’ (Malachi 3:17) I would respond so positively to words that speak of me as a rare gem, wouldn’t you? I guess that’s why there’s such a demand on gemstones like diamonds!

Let’s look at 1 Corinthians 14:31 to remind ourselves all can prophesy one by one, so that all may learn, and all may be exhorted (called near). This my dear readers are for all who are filled with the Holy Spirit. Just imagine if we all saw the best in each other! I can only imagine how the productivity in this nation would soar and the ideas and creativity would blossom!

Seeing the best
I got to hang out with a great group of people at a creative hub run by Kate Fitz-Gibbon at Arts on Acacia in Gauteng. It was an evening of seeing and hearing the best in each other. Allowing the Holy Spirit to flow through prophecy, one to another in words and music, art, fashion, jewelry, through educationalists and environmentalists as well. Prophets and the prophetic folk mixed and mingled with incredible ease as they saw the very best in each other. It was like looking at the different facets of a diamond. Each side more glorious than the other. The best was, we encouraged each other to go ahead in journeys with Christ. It was something new and fresh and unreligious.

Prophetic or Prophet?

Eyes and ears – Looking to birth new things
Over the years we have had many folks ask us this question: “If someone can prophesy accurately does that make them a prophet?” So sad to say but the answer is simply, no, but a prophet must however be able to prophesy.

To be a prophet is a calling by God. So how do you know you are called? This would be a good question to ask at this time. It usually starts with a recognition in a prophetic word from another minister, confirmation of that prophetic word by someone else — preferably in a senior position. But it doesn’t have to follow this order at all. You yourself hearing from the Lord that you are called as a prophet. Confirmation in the word. Then the training begins. You become comfortable that you are a gift to the body of Christ and that you are to teach and train others about the word of God in the body. You can be a man or a woman in this office. Ephesians 4.7. You will belong to a five-fold team which will comprise of evangelists, pastors, teachers and an apostle. Currently there is no more time for lone prophets. Its ideal that you build good relationships with ministers that cover the above mentioned. This takes time and is character building.

A prophet may be called to do anyone or more of the following:

  • Equip the saints – Ephesians 4.11.  They are the eyes and ears of the Church.
  • Encourage apostles in the building of the Kingdom — this is the fivefold working together. Ezra 5 & 6
  • A prophet protects a nation and its people. 2 Kings 19.6
  • Prophets judge prophetic words. 1 Thessalonians 5.20
  • Set leaders in their places and release anointings for them to carry out the task set before them.
  • Directs history through declarations over nations:  Do you remember the day at the Voortrekker Monument as we called South Africa to live and not die and rise up strong.  I remember weeping over the dry land hours before the Bethel Musicians took to the mike saying God let these bones live. Ezekiel 37.  Then in an interview with them backstage the anointing was so thick I could hardly talk for pain for South Africa. We then collectively thundered, the earth shook, and we hammered hell as we sang like never before.  Jesus was lifted so high. Let these bones live.
  • Restoring families: Malachi 4: 5,6 — “Behold I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord. He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.” In South Africa, there is a wonderful move of God to bring restoration of the fatherless into families.  This is a move of those that are either orphaned by sickness, tragedy or by human trafficking. Churches are taking this seriously and many are setting up aftercare centers besides schooling facilities for these children. Not forgetting those who don’t know Father God and are being turned to finding His love.
  • Set leaders in their places and release an anointing over them so they have the grace to lead
  • Warn of natural disasters – Acts 11: 27, 28
  • Warn leaders and help them out of their sin.
  • Help world leaders with the interpretation of dreams, give divine insight – a Joseph anointing.

Company of prophets
You’re probably wondering why I emphasised this formal distinction between prophets and the prophetic. We have an epidemic of false prophets who are literally ransacking the body of Christ. People pay thousands of rands or dollars to attend services to get an audience or a word from the “prophet or man or woman of god”.

Nothing gets me hotter under the collar more than those who lead the sheep astray. I know those who live by the gospel need to paid well, but extortion is unacceptable! So are false miracles.

With this said, as a company of prophets we have an obligation to the Body of Christ to train believers accurately and truthfully in the prophetic and to teach people how to hear the voice of the Lord so that they can come into the unity of the faith, the knowledge of the Son of God, to be a mature man or woman, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ, to not be tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind and doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking in love, finding their place in the body being fitted well together, supplying well for each other, making sure we are healthy and able, understanding and applying the principles of love. These words you will recognise are from Paul’s writings.

Company of prophets SA
The Company of Prophets SA aligns with such objectives, as can be found from the following statements on their website

Purpose & Vision 

  • To form a mature, credible company of prophets.
  • To facilitate a place of relationship, mentoring & protection.
  • To identify prophetic voices within the seven spheres of Kingdom governance.
  • To be intentional in building strong relationships.
  • To build connections with other national and international prophetic companies….

The Gathering TOGETHER is based on the following examples found in scripture:

  • 1 & 2 Samuel, chapters 16-20 – David and his mighty men…
  • 1 Chronicles 7 vs 5 – the families of Issachar who were mighty men…
  • 1 Samuel 19 vs 20 – the prophets prophesied with Samuel their leader…

TAG LINE:  A company shall speak, “regionally, nationally, internationally

Next Annual Conference:  31 August – 1 September 2018

Venue: Hatfield Christian Church.  Pretoria. Gauteng.

Times:  9.00 – 21.00

Click to join movement

Contact: Company of Prophets SA on Facebook for further details.

Kris Vallotton Ministries
Company of Prophets SA
F G Ministries

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