Arise and shine for your light has come!

[notice]A response to what is happening prophetically in the world today — A monthly column by Julie de Lisle[/notice]I settle down in front of my iPad, my mission: to survey what’s happening in the world today, not only through the news, but through the church and today’s modern day prophets.

I am intrigued by the magnitude of websites and prophetic news sites. In all honesty I find myself in a sea of words, slowly drowning in skepticism, an ever so slight tingle of fear and apprehension creeps up my spine. Please hear me, I am not saying these words, reports and prophecies are wrong, my fear of The Lord is too healthy to presume any such thing. I just believe that if we always focus on signs and prophecies and world news we will become distracted from the main thing, Jesus, and the very clear fact that He is coming back for His bride.

At this point My heart cries out to The Lord , “speak to me”, what’s on Your heart for the world right now? As I flip to the next article, one the editor has forwarded to me to peruse, I start to read, my clench fists relaxing, and on an outward breath I thank The Lord for hearing me and speaking so loudly.

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The following is an excerpt from the article written by Jennifer LeClaire news editor at Charisma (with permission):

Reinhard Bonnke
“We have heard the growing body of prophecies declaring the impending judgment of God on America. So when Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke stood on the grounds of the Vero Beach Airport proclaiming “All America Shall Be Saved” in early February 2013, the declaration demanded my attention. After all, this is the same German evangelist who declared “All Africa Shall Be Saved” and witnessed more than 55 million African souls make a decision to renounce Islam, witchcraft and other strange gods and commit to follow Jesus Christ in just a nine-year period. 55 million souls. Despite the judgment prophecies, despite the rising gay agenda, despite the increasing persecution against Christianity in the United States, Bonnke made a bold declaration for the devils in Vero Beach and beyond to hear that night: “All America Shall Be Saved.”

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As I sat listening with my spiritual ears to Bonnke announcing that the Vero Beach Gospel Fest is the beginning of something greater, tears filled my eyes and hope filled my heart. And when Bonnke said the Holy Spirit spoke to him about going to other cities around the United States and filling stadiums, I began to see prophetically the magnitude of what was unfolding in that very moment.”

While reading what Jennifer writes, fear and apprehension ebb away, Faith and Hope rise in me. Yes, this is it, this is what God is saying, not only for this very minute but for ever and always till he comes again. This simple message of the Gospel; what could be more prophetic! What a reminder, “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” — Revelation 19:10.

I once again read Matthew 24:5–8 where Jesus said that the last days would be preceded by several things: many false Christs would come, deceiving many; we would “hear of wars and rumors of wars”; and, there would be an increase in “famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diverse places. All these are the beginning of sorrows” and every bit of news I read or see on television draws me to conclude that we are surely living in the end times.

Space rock crashes into Earth
Devastating floods and landslides in Indonesia. A space rock the size of a double-decker bus crashes to Earth. This 10 ton fireball entered the Earth’s atmosphere faster than the speed of sound, causing a devastating sonic boom which ripped through buildings and exploded windows, injuring hundreds of people. It was reported by scientists as a “cosmic coincidence”. A bomb blast in a busy market in Quetta Palestine kills at least 79 people. Twenty one people killed in a string of car bomb incidents in and around Bagdhad. 3 500 couples partake in a mass “Moonies” wedding.

The cry of my heart is that despite all these happenings, fear would not settle deep in our hearts, that we don’t simply turn a blind eye and deaf ear or shake our heads in despair. Let us see these signs as a great motivation to action, Jesus is coming back and coming back for His Bride.

I believe that this is the time for us to walk in an opposite spirit. It is a time for us to be spiritually brave. It is a time to declare: my family will be saved, my workplace will be saved, my street, mall and school will be saved. Let each of us live out a true prophetic
culture. What is important now is how we live our lives in anticipation and commitment awaiting Christ’s return and drawing others along to do the same.

Isaiah 60:1-3: “Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.”

Come, Let us at the beginning of this new year arise and shine, and once again have hope revived in our souls.


  1. Totally agree with you Julie, see forward to the day that America repent before God. Also think its time to bring some big crusades to South Africa again. I’ve read an article earlier last week that our country is second on the list of countries who’s faith is God is lacking at a tremendous speed.

    • Thank you for the comments, yes, let’s get out there and take Jesus to the people so we can see faith grow in our Land.

  2. Inspired reading. I look forward to your next column.

  3. Wow, awesome! Pastor Bonnke is still going strong and I praise God for his passion to see souls saved! America here we come! :-)

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