Artful Faith — A timely gift from heaven

A new, fortnightly column in which Marzanne Slabbert explores the enigmatic fusion of faith and art in South Africa. Join her on an artistic journey and explore the many ways in which God is using the visual arts!

1 Thess 5:19-21, says: “Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good!”

We live in exciting but uncertain times; perverse times! The news and social media are flooded with reports of events that constantly bring us back to questions like: “How Lord? When Lord? How long Lord?” Many for which there are no certain answers. This holds true for the world but also for South Africa and our own daily lives. But God! But God and art! 

Towards the end of 2023, during my morning time with the Lord, I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to pick up my journal and start drawing. He had a message for me that was not written in the pages of the Word or in the lyrics of praise and worship.

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His message had to do with the underlying question in my heart; about my current circumstances and Heaven’s perspective on it. He chose to show it to me visually. Asking Him what to draw, I heard Him say “Time”. Looking for some visual inspiration, I decided to look on Pinterest for a basic line drawing. 

It was a clock with basic hands cupped around it. Almost logo-like but mystical. “Yes, that one” So I started drawing… First, the clock. Then the hands. My aim was not to get it perfect but just to get a close-enough representation.  In my journal the striving for perfection is not the dictator because that would allow the imitating, anxious voice of the enemy in. Instead, I allow freedom, acceptance, joy and love to speak — this is the peaceful voice of the Father I know. 

On completion I heard Him say: “I have given you all the time in the world. What will you do with it?” Then I wrote: T.I.M.E  below the picture. I felt the Spirit lead me to write: “Trust IAM More Everyday.” Wow! 

It was not an instruction, but rather my voice in response to His. His answer to me and through me.  It was all Him. It was I AM’s great pleasure to give me Time — the most precious commodity. No one else could give me this. You see, He was leading me into gratitude and into trust. He was leading me into focusing on what I do have and not on what I don’t have. He was leading my eyes away from comparing and instead focusing my eyes on Him. He was telling me He is the Source of all things. This is He: “I AM”. The One outside of time and yet the Creator of time. The All Sufficient one. The Source of all things good. His plans are not contingent upon any circumstances. He stands, ever present and unchangeable, completely sufficient in Himself to do what He wills to do and to accomplish what He wills to accomplish. 

By the way, did you know Jesus claimed the title I AM for Himself in John 8:58

Through a little drawing in a journal, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, in perfect union, revealed to me what was underneath all the uncertainty in my heart, took my hand in His and pulled me closer to the sound of His heart and the safety of His presence. Is there anyone like Him? 

I invite you to join me as we unlock the creative ways of the Kingdom! Of God the Father, of Jesus, of the Holy Spirit! Let’s see where and to whom I AM takes us. Let’s find out what He is busy with in South Africa – visually in daily art journals and on the walls of galleries and churches. Be expectant! Come as a child! Come just as you are…

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” — Jer 29:13

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